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Teens In New Zealand Were “Severely Triggered” By ‘A Star Is Born’ Ending, Leading To A New Warning

**Spoilers ahead for “A Star is Born.” Seriously, we’re talking about the ending.**

By now, most of you have seen Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga’s insanely popular film “A Star is Born.” While the promotion of the film was highlighted by the use of songs (still can’t get “Shallow” out of my head), the actual film isn’t the rousing, goosebumps-inducing story you might be expecting, as there’s a very healthy dose of tragedy included as well. And according to a report from The Guardian, the ratings board in New Zealand is taking an extra precautionary step in response to some audience reaction to the aforementioned tragic end.

READ MORE: ‘A Star Is Born’ Music: Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper Reveal Just How They Created Those Memorable Tunes

No more beating around the bush — the tragic end of “A Star is Born” involves Bradley Cooper’s Jackson Maine hanging himself in his garage after a long battle with addiction and depression. Not only does Cooper’s character commit suicide, but Cooper, as the film’s director, also chooses to show Maine slowly swinging from his noose, adding to the drama and shock. And apparently, a couple teenagers in New Zealand saw that scene and felt “severely triggered,” leading to the head of the country’s film classification board, David Shanks, to take action.

“Many people in New Zealand have been impacted by suicide,” he said. “For those who have lost someone close to them, a warning gives them a chance to make an informed choice about watching.”

In a Q&A with Cooper, discussing the film, the writer-director said, “I don’t see it as a sad ending, necessarily, because when [Ally] looks at you at the end of the movie, into the camera, that, to me, is the moment that the star is born,” Cooper said. “She’s planted, and she’s ready now to face all of the hardship. All of the love that she’s gone through, she’s going to take that into her heart, into her life for the rest of her life.”

READ MORE: ‘A Star Is Born’: Bradley Cooper Talks Addiction & Discusses The Decisions Behind The Film’s Ending

The classification office says that the Mental Health Foundation also reported more complaints regarding the scene in the film. The new warning, which accompanies the film says that “A Star is Born” contains “Sex scenes, offensive language, drug use,” which was part of the original warning for the rated M film (New Zealand’s R equivalent), but Shanks decided to add “and suicide” to the end.

Will this warning stop other teens in New Zealand from feeling “severely triggered?” That’s unclear, as most people mostly take a look at the rating and less about the detailed descriptions associated with them.

“A Star is Born” is playing now, as the box office clearly shows.

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