Monday, October 21, 2024

Got a Tip?

The Playlist Soundtrack Series Is Back Online

What is it? It’s an imaginary soundtrack series. Essentially I curate a playlist of songs I think would fit into my favorite director’s films. You download, listen, repeat, enjoy.

A few of you have inquired about the older editions of the mp3 Soundtrack Series playlists as their downloadable links had expired. Speak and ye shall be heard. They are all back, re-uploaded to the interweb.
Volume 1: Sofia Coppola
Volumes 2, 3, 4: Jim Jarmusch, Cameron Crowe and Michel Gondry
Volumes 5 & 6 : David Gordon Green and Miranda July
Volumes 7 & 8: Noah Baumbach and Quentin Tarantino
Volume 9: Wes Anderson
Volume 10: Spike Jonze

For the three people that care, upcoming playlists may or may not include (depending on my mood) Paul Thomas Anderson, a second Tarantino edition, Vincent Gallo and that’s all I’ll reveal for now (ooooh, secretive; like you give a rats ass). Suggestions are always, always welcome.

3.28.o8 update: In my A.D.D.-ness I’ve started to work on and come relatively close to finishing my Judd Apatow mix. Those that would like a rough, in-progress sneak peek can go here: It’s not in any real order and will invariably change. Muxtape died and was shut down.

10.30.08 long-overdue update: We lost two ipods and then suffered a hard-drive crash. Don’t keep your fingers crossed that any new ones will hit soon, but eventually, lots more will surface.

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  1. I suppose i could repurpose some of my mexico playlist and do it for him (Cuaron), but that would seem sort of racista, no?

    I dunno, my Spike Lee one is all African-American artist and I’m sure I’ll catch hell from that (wait, nobody cares).

  2. These playlists are amazing. I listened to the Michel Gondry yesterday with a girl I like and it made the night perfect. Please keep up the good work. =) Thank you,

  3. Thank you. Decent suggestions and yes, Reitman is one that I’ve thought of in recent months (obviously). But Hess is not someone i had thought of, but i honestly kind of loved some of Nacho Libre and Beck’s score is great.

  4. Thanks. Nice comments like these keep me going. I honestly have about a dozen more in the works, and they’re all about 80% done, but i’m waiting to hit some more inspiration and really find songs that fit instead of some that just “sort of” fit.

    That said, I get attached to a lot of songs regardless.

  5. I’m sorry. I’m really, really behind on these. I have many in a basic state of completion, but I don’t want to half-ass them and I’m hoping to step-up my game a little bit.

    But with all the blogging and dayjob, it takes a hellofa long time. I’m sorry.

    Some of the ones I have almost ready, might not be everyone’s faves as they’re more difficult filmmakers like Harmony Korine and Vincent Gallo.

    That said, a dumb Zach Braff one is almost done too.

    Sit tight if you can.

  6. lol don’t stress TOO bad….I just wanted to let you know that the peanut gallery is excited for the next one. Whoever it may be (I dig Harmony that one will be cool…I’m stoked for her crazy movie about look a likes)

  7. you’ve done such brilliant work. i love playlists/mix-cds/tapes full stop. but these are really consistently impressive. Miranda July is my favorite. all the mixes have been on regular rotation in the winding stair bookshop in Dublin Ireland. and Sophia Coppola played at my last exhibition.



  8. Thanks. I had like 20 more on the go and then tragedy struck. I lost my Ipod and then my external harddrive crashed. They will probably take about 6 months to recreate by memory at this point and i can’t even get started until i recover that harddrive and that’s $$$ that i don’t have at the moment. Sigh…

    We will see them eventually, but it may be a long wait.

  9. It’s be nice to see some Danny Boyle loving. His music use is impeccable. Also, Guy Ritchie…I know people seem to think he rips of Tarantino, but Lock Stock and Snatch prove the dude knows his music and better yet, how to use it.

  10. Yeah, I had a Boyle one, a Ritchie one, an excellent Nolan one…

    sigh, see external hard drive crash note. I’ll probably pay to get it recovered over xmas, but i guess that’s my xmas gift to myself. Won’t be cheap.

  11. Great stuff, I appreciate the effort that went into these. Question: Do you have a handy list of what albums the track selections came from? Of course, the internet will tell me, but there is quite a lot. If you don’t have a ready listing, please don’t go to any trouble. Thanks again.

  12. PS, one reader suggested that I set up a Paypal account so readers who want more from the Soundtrack Series can help revive the 2 harddrives that are currently dead and the two ipods i lost.

    I would never be so presumptuous, but he felt like it was something i should do, so I thought I’d put that out there and see what people thought.

    getting the music back on those 2 hard drives would be key.

  13. I'm aware there isn't much that hasn't already been stated, emphatically, but I was just so floored by the quality, diversity and also just the sheer obscurity of many of these tracks, I felt obligated to make my voice heard about it. I can't wait for new additions to the collection, and I'll be first in line whenever they do arrive for download. In short–thank you, thank you, thank you for these fantastic selections, here's hoping there are many more to come. Cheers!

  14. I absolutely love the soundtrack series! It really has changed the way I listen to music, and the sound of each director, in my opinion, is spot on. This is so fantastic…

    The best mix, for me, are the Sophia Coppola compilations. Stunning . Beautiful. I am now a francophile.

  15. suggestions would be Park Chan-Wook, Robert Rodriguez, Francis Ford Coppola….., Coen Brothers? Still thinking. And is Vincent Gallo the Number 11 in the series? Can always throw some dough toward the cause….let me know about that paypal. Truly enjoy the 327 so far. Amazing. Thanks again. Sending more people your way lol. Soundtrackies……


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