It was already a longshot, we suppose, given how much turmoil the choice seemed to be causing behind the scenes, but for what it's worth, Jimmy Fallon won't be hosting the Oscars in February.
To recap, last week his name emerged as someone the Academy was talking to, with "Saturday Night Live" veteran Lorne Michaels eyeballed to produce (no word if he's still in the mix), but there were a number of factors at play. Most importantly, since ABC is broadcasting the show, they were less than pleased to see the host from a rival network's show potentially land the gig. According to the LA Times, Bob Iger, chairman of the Walt Disney Company, personally voiced his disapproval over the selection of Fallon (though, curiously, not of Michaels), and it seems the possibility of his hosting has fallen apart. And before you suggest Jimmy Kimmel, whose late night show is at home on ABC, he's hosting the Emmy Awards this year, and thus is not in contention for the Oscars.
"No, I'm not going to do the Oscars," Fallon confirmed to Matt Lauer in an interview on "Today." "It's an honor to be asked by the Academy, but it's not my year."
This writer thinks he would've at least been a fresh choice, and brought some true energy and excitement to a show that oftentimes needs these elements. But generally speaking, the final person selected to do the gig is usually someone who won't rock the boat too much, has the sheen of respectability and some kind of broad appeal. There's no doubt that the elder demographic who usually tune into the show, probably have no idea what a Jimmy Fallon is. But there's stlll lots of time to go. Just, please, not Billy Crystal again….
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What does this site have against Billy Crystall? Good God, I'm not sure I've ever read one nice thing about him here. Did he piss in your Cheerios, or something? I thought he made for a fine host last year, stepping in at the last minute and saving the show from being the complete trainwreck it was destined to be in the hands of Murphy and Ratner. He was all class.
That said, I do agree it's time for a fresh choice. And that man is Jon Stewart, who should be this generations Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and Billy Crystall, IMHO. Tina Fey and George Clooney would be fantastic choices, too, but they've turned down the offer multiple times already, apparently. Ricky Gervais would be amazing, but I don't see that happening at all.
I'm glad he's not hosting. He's likable but not really that funny. Besides, he would've spent most of the night laughing at his own jokes.
Can you imagine how amazing the Oscars would be if Louis CK hosted?
Robin Williams or The Muppets would be good hosts to try out. If that or get Ricky Gervais to do it. I would love to see him slag off The Academy Executives.
He should do the golden Globes. As for the Oscars, I'd say any out of the following:
Will Ferrell, Stepehen Colbert, Jim Carrey, Robert Downey Jr, Ben Stiller, Albert Brooks, Tina Fey, Bill Murray, Neil Patrick Harris, Louis CK. But my personal vote or wish would be Larry David. Because Woody Allen would never agree to do it.
He probably would have been amazing
The committee who chooses the host of the Oscars are insane, out of their right minds, and petty. Let's cry for ABC because they initially picked a talent-bomb on a different network. Get over yourselves, because if Jimmy tore up the audience, and the Oscars truly were a night to remember, because of the awards and Jimmy's talent effortlessly guiding the audience in between the miraculous accomplishments, ABC would be the talk of every network and social media available to mankind. ABC totally limited their reach. I don't care about that.
He looked really sad when he answered question