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So Much For That Mystique Movie? Jennifer Lawrence Says ‘Apocalypse’ Will Be Her Last X-Men Movie

X-Men: Days of Future PastNo doubt we’ve heard certain sweeping statements from other actors before. There was a time when Robert Downey Jr. was talking big about walking away from Marvel, and same goes for Chris Evans. Now Jennifer Lawrence is the latest to claim that she’ll be hanging up the latex and bodypaint.

Chatting with MTV, the actress revealed that "X-Men: Apocalypse" will be her last foray into the world of mutants. “It is my last one, actually,” adding with a short but affirmative “yes.” This might come as a blow to  20th Century Fox executives who last spring expressed a desire to launch a bunch of spinoff X-movies, including one for Mystique. But should everyone really start freaking out? Nah —it’s likely that her contract is expiring. This is what Nicholas Hoult said about the future of the Beast earlier this month.

"This is the last one I’m signed up for," the actor told E!. "The first one did so well, and [‘Days of Future Past‘] got received so brilliantly. It’s like ‘wow, people really want to see the films,’ and the best thing is it’s a great crew and cast to work with, and he’s a fun character. I have a good time playing him, so I’d keep making them."

There’s no way Fox retconned the entire franchise only to let an Academy Award winning actress and a bunch of rising young stars walk away. Expect a truckload of money to dropped at the feet of Lawrence and co. sometime before "X-Men: Apocalypse" opens on May 27, 2016, or shortly thereafter.

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  1. I loved Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique…Lawrence gave the character depth, layers. However, I think this is a good thing because it frees Lawtence up to do other things that are also worthy of this very exceptional actress.

  2. I just don\’t see what the appeal X-Men would hold for someone like Jennifer Lawrence anymore. She\’s probably the most in-demand young actress in the film world right now & she has to spend precious time playing as an object for two white British men to fight over.

    Even if they did offer her a Mystique only movie I still wouldn\’t see the appeal. Especially since she\’d still have to be naked & spent countless hours a day being covered in blue paint.

    Get out while she can. I\’m also certain we\’re going to hear the same thing from Michael Fassbender as well who could probably find better things to do with his time.

  3. They shouldn\’t. JLaw is a bad fit for Mystique and I am tired of the movies focusing on her.

    P.S. You\’re site sucks because I still cannot see comments on full posts in chrome.

  4. Of course Nick Hoult would keep making them, his career is basically going nowhere. Little indies that might be good but don\’t attract an audience–he can\’t open a film on his own and Jennifer can. She doesn\’t need the money, she\’s got THG franchise money, an Oscar, worldwide name recognition, and more scripts at her feet than she has time to read. Hoult isn\’t in her league. When she says she\’s done, she means it. Besides, making those franchise films is mind-numbing for someone like her. She thrives on the creativity of working with directors like Russell.


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