That Sigourney Weaver would be returning for all three “Avatar” sequels is kind of old news, but the biggest question has been exactly how she’d be reprising her role considering her character died the first time out. But for a while now, James Cameron has been teasing that he may be messing with the timelines. “…have you ever heard of nonlinear storytelling? A lot happens on that planet before she shows up, and before Jake shows up to join her,” Cameron said in 2011, adding: “Okay, here’s the deal. When you have a science-fiction series, a science-fiction franchise, you’re never dead, unless your DNA is expunged from the universe. And then there’s always time travel!”
But as Deadline reports that the actress is officially back for all three “Avatar” sequels, Cameron has throw another curveball in terms of who Weaver will be playing. Perhaps someone else entirely? “Her character of Grace Augustine, as fans know, died in the first movie, so she’s playing a different and in many ways more challenging character in the upcoming films,” the director said with the announcement. “We’re both looking forward to this new creative challenge, the latest chapter in our long and continuing collaboration.”
As Cameron said years ago, the sci-fi world opens itself up to no shortage of possibilities when it comes to ways to bring characters back either as themselves or perhaps variants of themselves. And so, even though we’re not huge on the idea of “Avatar” sequels, we’re a bit curious what Cameron has up his sleeve for Weaver.
“Avatar 2,” “Avatar 3” and “Avatar 4” will shoot concurrently with the first sequel arriving December 2016.
My guess is that she will be playing the character of the earth spirit with whom she may have fused when she "died"
Three sequels? They're certainly optimistic. Cameron's always managed to beat doubters but still, 3 is a lot.