Saturday, October 26, 2024

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Short Cuts: Heath Ledger, James Cameron, Dreamworks 2.0, ‘Transformers 2,’ ‘W;’ More…

Heath Ledger’s estate goes to his daughter Matilda. However, a $10 million life insurance policy taken out by actor Heath Ledger before his death has not been paid out yet, according to a new lawsuit. [AFP/Wired]

James Cameron has denied that he gave McG his blessing for ‘Terminator: Salvation.'[]

What should one expect now that Dreamworks and Paramount are no longer in bed together? The studio will be starting from scratch and Anne Thompson breaks it all down. [Variety]

The new trend is shooting certain action sequences in IMAX apparently. Thus, just like “The Dark Knight,”when you go see a film at the Imax theater, you can enjoy the 10-20 minute scene shot in crisp 70 mm and then enjoy the rest of the film shot on regular 35mm and then blown up by more than half its original resolution. This trend makes no sense for a true aspect-ratio-loving film geek, but apparently cinephiles are as stupid as they are eager. The next film following this dubious trend is “Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen.” Go figure that Michael Bay is this dumb. [FirstShowing]

David Poland takes a look at Nikki Finke/Harvey Weinstein, ‘Reader’-gate scandal and says, Finke is merely shilling for someone else’s agenda. ‘When Finke is “in possession of plaintive emails from Daldry, and angry letters from entertainment law pitbulls,’ you know that she is passing along something that someone else is selling.” In Contention calls her “juicy backstory” muckracking a “journalistic disgrace,” and they’re not out of line. [TheHotBlog/In Contention]

USA Today has had a first look at Oliver Stone’s “W.” They say the film “portrays [George W.] Bush as charming, spiritually devout and well-intentioned but also reckless, a kind of daddy’s boy, always relying on his father, wealthy friends or Bush family connections to launch his career forward or extract him from trouble. He’s also depicted as overly trusting.” [USA Today]

“Confessions of A Shopaholic” starring Isla Fischer does not look like a film we’d like to see. Even if it is free. [Moviefone]

“Ballast” filmmaker Lance Hammer will be at the New York Soho Apple Store on Friday, October 3, 7:00 p.m for a Q&A. “Ashes of Time Redux” director Wong Kar Wai will be onhand October 4 at 3:00 p.m. Someone go and take notes and then report back to us. [Apple]

Wired magazine says Cat Solen, Rik Cordero, Matthew Cullen, Vincent Moon, Vincent Morisset and Keith Schofield could be the next batch of creative music video directors that break into Hollywood. It makes us sad and slightly embarrassed that we don’t know who any of these people are. The state of the music industry is so bad, we barely ever watch music videos anymore, even online. Then again, you’ve probably barelt heard of them either. [WIRED]

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