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Short Cuts: ‘Che’ Gets A Poster, Kevin Smith Hearts ‘Star Trek,’ Cher For ‘Batman 3’?

Man, what a slooow morning.

Steven Soderbergh’s “Che: The Argentine” (the first half of the two-part film) has itself a poster. But people keep asking, ‘will anyone release it?’ We’re sort of convinced the HBO/Xmas rumors are true. Either that or it’s wishful thinking on our part. Whatever, we’ll see it this fall regardless. [In Contention]

Christopher Nolan wants Cher to play the Catwoman in a sequel to “The Dark Knight?” What the hell happened to the Telegraph’s reporting? They used to be worthwhile and trustable. Take with a massive grain of salt. [Daily Telegraph] PS, sounds like the report is officially false. Duh.

Kevin Smith – whose nerd credential are such that he gets invited to all geek films in advance – has seen a cut of J.J. Abrams “Star Trek” prequel/origins film. He can’t talk about it, but he talks about it regardless. Again, Smith saying he loves the film is kinda like a fat kid saying chocolate is scrumptious. Duh. “The stars absolutely trek in this film.” [ooof, did he really say that? bad pun alert!] It is fantastic. Anybody who was worried doesn’t need to be worried–about this film I cannot talk about…It was in very capable hands. The director did a phenomenal job–the director and his crew. Top notch cast and the guy that plays the lead [Chris Pine] is an instant star. That dude is going to be so famous. He is so wonderful. He picked up a role that I would say is pretty challenging for someone to step into the shoes of, because it is a role that has been played before many times by the same guy.” Man, all those Shatner digs. [/Film]

Oh, yeah, Smith’s “Zack And Miri Make a Porno” is kicking off the Fantastic Fest Film Festival. [First Showing]

The opening credits for Guy Ritchie’s “Rock N Rolla” are online. They’re animated, feature the song, “I’m a Man,” by the band Black Stroke, and are a little uneventful and predictable as you’d imagine. [Trailer Addict]

Clive Barker threw Lion’s Gate (known for releasing crap schlocky horror films) under the bus for the bungled release of the schlocky horror film, “Midnight Meat Train.” [MTV]

First a pretty unflattering NY Times profile chronicling his horrendous money-owing habits and now an L.A. Times one. The evidence is insurmountable frankly: Capitol Film/ThinkFilm’s David Bergstein is being sued countless times for fraud with good fucking reason. This snakeoil salesman can do all the press he wants to combat the negative publicity, but he doesn’t do himself an ounce of good and should stick to hiding behind lawyers. Dude is a shady motherfucker.[L.A. Times]

He creates scores 365 days of the year, but because Danny Elfman is composing the score to “The Wolfman” – a nerd favorite – it suddenly becomes news. He also did the score to “Hellboy II” which no geeks seemed to notice and he’s also written the music for Gus Van Sant’s upcoming biopic “Milk.” [AICN]

Both Steven Soderbergh and Christoper Nolan will celebrate the Slamdance Film Festival’s 15 anniversary by displaying their early work. Nolan will show his first film, “Following” (1998) at the L.A. County Museum of Art’s Bing Theater on Sept. 5 and Soderbergh will screen “Schizopolis” (1997) at the New York’s IFC center on Sept 16. Both filmmakers will be in attendance. [Hollywood Reporter]

Cannes ’08 big winner, “Entre Les Murs,” (aka “The Class”), keeps scooping up awards. It took the top award at the Norweigen film festival. [Variety]

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