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Seth MacFarlane Says He Won’t Host The Oscars Again, 5 Suggestions For Who Could Replace Him

nullWhile you can continue to debate the merits of Sunday night's Oscars hosted by Seth MacFarlane  — as we did, breaking down the best/worst aspects, the snubs, how to improve the show, analyzed the winners and more the bottom line is the Academy got what they wanted by hiring the edgy, younger-skewing, "Family Guy" creator. The ratings for the show were up in 2013 with 40.3 million viewers tuning in, the highest figure since 41.3 million turned on their televisions to see if "Avatar" would win Best Picture. (It didn't.) Anyway, if the Academy wants to go with the same gameplan next year, they'll have to find someone else.

MacFarlane took to Twitter late last night, and when asked if he would host the Oscars again, he said: "No way. Lotta fun to have done it, though." Considering he pretty much exhausted the repetoire of comedy he's known for (button pushing repetitiveness, while occasionally crossing the line) and indulging in his love of musicals to an almost tedious degree, we'd reckon he accomplished everything he wanted to do, for better or worse. And with many perceiving his stint as sexist and possibly misogynistic, perhaps it's a good thing he's taken himself out of the mix.

So who could possibly replace him? Last summer, we suggested some possible hosts for this year's ceremony, so we borrowed from there and added a couple. We're assuming that Academy will want to skew young again, and go with a fresh face over some like Billy Crystal, so here's who we think they should be putting on speed dial. Suggestions of your own? Tell us below.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The actor has practically done two auditions for this already, hosting two successful stints on "Saturday Night Live" that showed him to be funny, engaging and immensely charming. His "Make 'Em Laugh" number from his first time out in 2009 is still a massive highlight, and it was no surprise to see him on stage on Sunday once again showing his dancing skills. He'd bring both class and charm to the proceedings, without dipping into the more tasteless corners MacFarlane went to. Moreover, he'd easily court that crucial younger demographic no matter what films — arthouse or blockbuster — are nominated.

Amy Poehler/Tina Fey or Will Ferrell/Kristin Wiig
After they kept things lively at the Golden Globes this year, the talk/wishing that Amy Poehler and Tina Fey get the Oscar gig started almost immediately. And it's hard to argue with that. The pair share great chemistry and are able to poke fun at themselves, as much as the celebrities in attendance (something MacFarlane should have learned). Moreover, especially in a year when an extended gag revolved around seeing breasts, it might be worthwhile for the Academy to make some amends and let the fresh voice(s) of a woman guide the Oscars. On the same spectrum, one of the highlights of the Golden Globes was Will Ferrell and Kristin Wiig presenting Best Actress In A Comedy Or Musical. Again, they had no problem making themselves the center of the joke, and given their taut improv skills, they would be able to roll with anything that might happen during Oscar night.

nullGeorge Clooney
Seriously, who doesn't love George Clooney? He's in the upper reaches of Hollywood royalty, he is the living definition of the classic, classy leading man in an era where there are so few of them, and he's endlessly funny and charming. It's not a surprise that social media networks lit up when he effortlessly changed the tone of the Oscar broadcast with this respectful introduction of the In Memoriam segment, but he's also a total ham, and possible future Jack Nicholson. He's the kind of personality who will always get a ticket on Oscar night, and a figure who can capture the attention of almost any demographic from your Mom to your kid brother. He matches only Walt Disney in being nominated in the most categories, so why not give him a chance to host the show too? 

Louis CK
This is probably a bit more out of the box, but it's not all that inconceivable when you think about it. While he might not be as popular as Chris Rock was in 2005 when he hosted, there are few standups right now with the kind of name recognition as Louis CK. And there are fewer who are as funny. Tackling almost every creative department of his critically acclaimed "Louie" has shown he can probably bring an interesting twist to the sketch sections of Oscar night, and his wry, biting humor — if properly honed for the audience — could be great for the show. With roles in new films from Woody Allen and David O. Russell, he's clearly making some major movie inroads, and a hosting gig could cement his arrival in Hollywood.

Jimmy Kimmel
While we might prefer Jimmy Fallon, basically it will never happen as long as ABC broadcasts the Oscars, as they don't want hosts from rival late night talk shows taking the stage. That's basically what happened this year, when Lorne Michaels was flirting with producing, and had tentatively tapped Fallon for the job. But luckily, ABC has a good option all their own, with Jimmy Kimmel. He's already best buds with bascially every celebrity you can think of, his Oscar night parody trailer is now becoming a tradition, and he's genuinely funny. Moreover, we think he can toe the line of begin edgy without singing a song about seeing boobs. He hosted the Emmy Awards last year, could we see him take a step up to the Dolby Theater?

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  1. Seth just let go with too many duds — jokes that were DOA. And his mortal wound (pun intended) was the John Wilkes Booth crack. Whatever was he thinking? In today's world?? Gordon-Levitt did a nimble job hosting the Sundance Awards, ingratiating and not trying to be funny. BUT, the Bob Hopes/Johnny Carsons of this world are no longer, and I say, let the women take over. They're savvier, sassier, and won't be so tight-assed, which is what so often happens when a dude puts on a tux. (Exceptions: Neil Patrick Harris and Hugh Jackman, who are SHOWMEN.) Bring on Amy & Tina, or bring back Whoopi & Bette (together). Or, to be really subversive, a generational cocktail of Lily Tomlin & Lena Dunham. I'd go for Jennifer Lawrence, but she's probably going to end up being nominated as many times as Meryl Streep — and a whole evening of her snark may be a bit much (but in small doses, she's the most refreshing breeze to blow down the road in a long time).

  2. Spassky, Jack : thank you, you're the only two who quoted Jim Carrey ! I'm french and I can tell you not a single french comic guy (on stage AND on screen) reaches his ankles. Maybe François Damiens, who some of you maybe saw in "L'Arnacoeur" with Romain Duris, but he's from Belgium. Anyway, Carrey is a magnificent artist, with a gift. He's a pretty underrated – or underemployed – comedian, with a great range. I saw some extracts of his 90s' one-man-shows, he was sensational ! He would be a memorable host even if, believe me, Seth MacFarlane was a million times better than Antoine De Caunes in Les César !

  3. Chelsea Handler! She has had almost every Oscar nominee on her show by now anyway. Joan Rivers, Rebel Wilson, Sarah Silvervam, Kristen Wiig, Craig Ferguson, Conan O'Brien, Emma Stone/Jonah Hill would be fun (but it screams "trying to bring in a younger demographic"). OR Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

  4. Seth McFarlane Has made a Point that He Would Not Do Oscars anymore But after the Rude Awakening He Gave to Some Actresses last Sunday Night I Think Oscar Needs a Change Especially With The Likes of Pat Sajak, Vanna White, Amy Pohler, Tina Fey, Billy Crystal or Even Drew Carey Would Be a Perfect Host or Co-Host of the Oscars For ABC Next Year.

  5. I don't care who host the Oscars( though Jimmy Kimmel is a good idea) as long as it's not Will Ferrell. Will Ferrell can only be tolerated for 5 minutes after that it is torture watching him.

  6. You criticise Seth MacFarlane for singing a song about boobs, then suggest Jimmy Kimmel is a better host because he's "genuinely funny", and the clip you provide is him making a joke about boobs on cable. Seriously?

  7. They should make it interesting. let the Razzie winners for Best Actor and Best Actress co host together. to add to the excitement, no one would know the hosts until the day before the Oscars. Who wouldn't watch this?

  8. They should make it interesting. let the Razzie winners for Best Actor and Best Actress co host together. to add to the excitement, no one would know the hosts until the day before the Oscars. Who wouldn't watch this?

  9. They should make it interesting. let the Razzie winners for Best Actor and Best Actress co host together. to add to the excitement, no one would know the hosts until the day before the Oscars. Who wouldn't watch this?

  10. More important than the right host is the right team that will jell together, and not try to one-up one another like MacFarlane and the producers tried to do this year with ridiculous dance numbers. Sam Mendes should produce, Kevin Spacey should host, Aaron Sorkin and his team should write, Rob Marshall should be the choreographer (because that is what he is). Spacey has the chops (singing, dancing, stand-up) to deliver the opening routine, but – more importantly – has the improve skills to deliver impromptu quips throughout the night. He is also a Hollywood insider, so he will likely receive less resentment from the nominees that he satirizes: for instance, someone like Affleck wouldn't try to insult Spacey like he did to MacFarlane the other night. I am not sure whether this team would bring the biggest ratings, but the critics would love it and the team would appeal to the older audiences who care about the Oscars.

  11. No wait, Jason Statham. He could mud-wrestle winners who go on too long and would deliver the most terrifying Karaoke routine this side of Pierce Brosnan.

  12. Have they ever asked Christopher Walken to host? He appeals to older and younger audiences. The dude is hilarious just being his odd and quirky self and he can easily pull off any singing/dance numbers as he does both. Why hasn't this been done yet? Who doesn't love Walken? And the man is highly respected among fellow actors.

  13. JGL is an example of the BIG problem. Obviously he was doing a very poor version (in comparison) to Donald O'Connor's bit in SINGING IN THE RAIN (who did it without slanting walls). JGL is not a dancer so he needed "training wheels," and not a singer so he was out of breath and not very good when he had breath, and not a comedian so he wasn't very funny. And that's the big problem, what passes for talent today is dirty jokes that make us giggle, anything else just reminds of us the talent that used to be but no longer exists. So bring back the Family Guy guy or randomly select anyone from SNL, it doesn't really matter.

  14. "to an almost tedious degree?" You really should qualify that as something which you personally found tedious. I loved all the singing and dancing.

  15. Has anyone ever ask Robin Williams to host? This guy can do comedy (high and low brow) and drama. He just needs to not go rambling off a tangent.

  16. Why would you prefer Jimmy Fallon over Kimmel? Kimmel would make a great Oscar host– his Oscar sketches are far funnier than anything that was on the show this year. But Fallon is a dull, witless, boring personality and the only one who laughs at his jokes is him– and he can't stop laughing at them, no matter how devoid of humor they are. Ugh, press the button to vanish Fallon from existence.

    I do like the ideas of Clooney and Louis C.K. Clooney would recapture some of the honor/respect of the entertainment industry that's been missing, while also having a sense of humor about it. As would Kimmel. It's obvious with both of those guys that they really love Hollywood.

    And I"d be happy to have Chris Rock back or have Gervais do it. Guys like Louis C.K., Rock, and Gervais can be offensive at times– but they're also hilarious. And if you're going to do something offensive, it better be outweighed by the funny. MacFarlane somehow managed the hat trick of simultaneously being offensive, unfunny, and boring.

  17. JGL – Meh. He could probably do so with some aplomb, but I wouldn't have him solo and there are myriad other actors I would enlist before him (below). Plus, it'd be way too soon after the previous 'Young Hollywood' attempt, and that's not a disaster to be revisited anytime so0n.

    Tina Fey/Amy Poehler – yes. People love them and they are actually witty and funny.
    Will Ferrell/Kristen Wiig – NO, NO, NO. Their intro at the Globes was terribly unfunny and went on forever. If a complaint about McFarlane was that his bits were unfocused, what the heck do you think a whole show of improv'd bits from these two will be like?

    George Clooney – yes for the reasons you've listed. And with him you'd probably get all or some combination of Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, the rest of the Ocean's guys/gals, Ben Affleck, maybe Jimmy Kimmel [see his hilarious Matt Damon takeover show], and perhaps others even, in on the show as well. It would have a New Age Rat-Packish vibe…come to think of it, I would LOVE for this to happen.

    Louis CK – Another no, though it could be interesting. His humor is idiosyncratic like McFarlane's, except he's awkward where Seth is 'edgy'. That can drive into the same tasteless areas that McFarlane did but with far, far more disastrous results; and he can't sing or dance his way out of them. Much like the problem when Chris Rock hosted, some reigning in of the host's forte will neuter his effectiveness.

    Jimmy Kimmel – this is really just a matter of time, right? I've enjoyed his post-Oscar show and I like his show in general, and he's ABC's late night prince so his time is a-coming.

    Other choices: Robert Downey Jr, Jerry Seinfeld, Tom Hanks, Steve Harvey
    Other No-NOs: Ryan Seacrest, Justin Timberlake

  18. Jimmy Kimmel won't be any different from Seth MacFarlane. Gross-out, frat boy humor.

    Hosting the Oscar is a tough gig. How do you come up with material that will at minimum make everyone crack a smile? The audience is made up of people of all ages, races, creed, profession, sexual orientation and cultural background.

  19. Jimmy Kimmel won't be any different from Seth MacFarlane. Gross-out, frat boy humor.

    Hosting the Oscar is a tough gig. How do you come up with material that will at minimum make everyone crack a smile? The audience is made up of people of all ages, races, creed, profession, sexual orientation and cultural background.

  20. C'mon, people need to get a sense of humor, the "I Saw Your Boobs" bit was hilarious! I thought Seth did a pretty good job. The theme of the awards was suppose to be musical, so having him do all his little show tunes was fitting to the theme. This writer blows goats.

  21. C'mon, people need to get a sense of humor, the "I Saw Your Boobs" bit was hilarious! I thought Seth did a pretty good job. The theme of the awards was suppose to be musical, so having him do all his little show tunes was fitting to the theme. This writer blows goats.

  22. C'mon, people need to get a sense of humor, the "I Saw Your Boobs" bit was hilarious! I thought Seth did a pretty good job. The theme of the awards was suppose to be musical, so having him do all his little show tunes was fitting to the theme. This writer blows goats.

  23. C'mon, people need to get a sense of humor, the "I Saw Your Boobs" bit was hilarious! I thought Seth did a pretty good job. The theme of the awards was suppose to be musical, so having him do all his little show tunes was fitting to the theme. This writer blows goats.

  24. C'mon, people need to get a sense of humor, the "I Saw Your Boobs" bit was hilarious! I thought Seth did a pretty good job. The theme of the awards was suppose to be musical, so having him do all his little show tunes was fitting to the theme. This writer blows goats.

  25. Why only people from snl or someone who you like because he hosted snl twice and thought he did such a wonderfull job. I thought Seth did a great job. I still want Eddie Murphy to do it and yes I know he was on snl but I loved him in raw and delirious. I'm sure he could tame it down for the censors(hopefully not).

  26. I have to agree that Clooney would be an odd choice. Did anyone notice that despite he getting his own gold statue for Argo, he made no effort to get a few words in on the speech at the end. I actually think he could care less about awards. From what he displays, success is it's own reward. Grow a Jesus beard? Check, Bang the WWE girl with the longest legs in showbiz? Check… Personally, I think he is too cool to ever even give hosting serious consideration. Despite having a known sense of humor, it's just not this thing. Bring back Ricky Gervais. The celebs are terrified of him (for the money they make, they deserve more fear than a botox treatment going horribly wrong), he is viciously witty and again seems like he does not really give a damn about the awards.

  27. Thank you, jerk, for not volunteering to do that disgusting thing again. If it were up to me I will publish the winners of the Oscars in the newspapers and avoid the whole "ceremony" completely. It's a waste of time.

  28. Tina and Amy. They did a great job at the Golden Globes. Kristen Wiig with Will Ferrell could be also fun. Or Hugh Jackman. His opening musical number was fun and managed to poke fun into nominated movies without really insulting people.

  29. George Clooney has such an ambivalent disdain for the self-congratulatory spectacle aspects of the Oscars that him hosting would be like Ron Swanson being elected president.
    "Hello. Welcome to the Academy Awards, an intolerable ordeal made worse by a ban on alcohol, similar to the Great Depression, only no one is working hard. Some of you will be given gold plated statues signifying that this year you are more popular than other people are. Many more of you will receive no statue at all. But in a much more real way, all of you are losers because you care. Here is Anne Hatheway to present the first of these meaningless prizes. Please clap for her whether you want to or not."


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