“In other films, my goal was art…this time, my goal is commerce and I am clear about that,” director Paul Schrader recently told India Today as he was in Mumbai prepping his Bollywood film, the spelling challenged, “Xtreme City.”
In the interview, Schrader confirms that yes, this will indeed be a full-on Bollywood film and will feature no less than five song-and-dance numbers and describes the film as “the first crossover potboiler.” Sounds about right. As we previously reported, the family film will center around a U.S. ranger who teams with an Indian commando to rescue the ranger’s sister-in-law who has been kidnapped by a Mumbai crime lord. The film will be bilingual (Hindi and English), and like other Bollywood films, will feature a delirious mix of genres including drama, thriller, comedy and yes, musical.
The director also confirms that those expecting a “Slumdog Millionaire” redux will be disappointed. He says, “I have scoured Mumbai and have looked at locations. But unlike “Slumdog”, my focus will not be shanties. “Slumdog” was too British…and too one-sided. Danny Boyle’s film, well…It seems that India is boiling with poverty all the time. That is the way the West wants to see it. But my film will be different. Between any two buildings, there is bound to be some space for somebody to live in, a shanty, maybe. That is not my primary concern. “Xtreme City” will show Mumbai at its colourful best.” Frankly, it seems like both directors are showing two different sides of a much more complicated populace, but whatever, as Schrader says, this isn’t art, it’s commerce so we’ll give the guy some slack.
As for the cast, Priyanka Chopra is favored to be taking the lead Indian female role. While Shah Rukh Khan has been rumored to take the male Indian lead, talk of his involvement is being described as “mere imagination.” Speaking of imagination, for the male English leads, apparently Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are “being actively pursued” but don’t count on the $10 million budgeted film drawing them in. That said, they both are keen on working with auteurs and stranger things have happened. Schrader is also keen on getting A.R. Rahman to do the soundtrack, which isn’t out of the question.
“Xtreme City” is set to film in Mumbai, Dubai and New York. Afterwards, Schrader will head to Mexico where he will shoot his mysterious action film, “The Jesuit.”
He then said, "Slumdog Millionaire sucks my knob!"
I have watched slumdog and i really admire the lead star for a well done acting. Usually i download free online movies at http://www.downloadmoviesfree.net and enjoy the day watching.
Jeez he could have said what he needed to say without trashing another film and director. I hate when people do crap like that.