Sam Rockwell is one of our favorite actors, so it pains us to see him wasted in what looks to be your generic burnout-coaches-ragtag-team-of-kid-misfits-to-a-championship movie. Sigh.
Anyway, the trailer for “The Winning Season” has landed and it hits every note in this genre with a dull thud. Not even Rob Corddry, who is unrealistically playing a high school principal here, can save what looks like a very safe run through some very tepid material. We can only hope that the film written and directed by James C. Strouse (“Grace Is Gone”) is actually a bit more interesting that the trailer cut for his film.
“The Winning Season” begins its limited release on September 3rd.
Is that Shareeka Epps from Half-Nelson?
It's depressing that she's not get much better roles.
Here's to hoping it's just the marketing materials misrepresenting the film to promote it to the broadest audience as possible because I had high hopes for this since it came from the guy who wrote Lonesome Jim. Still Rockwell looks good like always.
Lonesome Jim was sadly very mediocre. Dunno if anyone even realized that Steve Buscemi directed that (or saw it for that matter).