Friday, March 7, 2025

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Rumor: Sony’s ‘Spider-Man’ May Enter The Marvel-Verse; Live Action X-Men TV Series May Be In The Works And More

The Amazing Spider-Man 2Marvel has set the bar so high when it comes to creating and maintaining connected, expanding cinematic universes that you can either try to beat ’em, or you can try to join ’em. Recent rumors suggest that Sony, who are struggling to make fanboys and audiences happy with their "The Amazing Spider-Man" franchise, might just be talking to the experts at Marvel about joining forces.

According to HitFix, the two studios are discussing an alliance that would not only re-energize "The Amazing Spider-Man" franchise, but would also connect Peter Parker and his milieu to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s an intriguing thought, but one that will entail a lot of complications. From the financial end alone —who will finance? how will profits be shared?— this would be a tricky proposition, and let’s not forget that Marvel tends to have a scorched Earth policy when it comes to properties they don’t control. Marvel Comics isn’t reprinting "Big Hero 6" in conjunction with Disney‘s animated release next month, while the Fantastic Four comic will be canceled, rather than continue a series that might somewhat help promote a movie at Fox.

However, Spider-Man is a crown jewel character, and Marvel likely can’t be so reactive. So why not play along with Sony and see how they can both work together, if there’s a possibility that both studios might make a pile of money? And it would be a way to rescue a Sony franchise that is quickly circling the drain. 

Meanwhile, Badass Digest suggests that "The Avengers 3" may focus on new characters, while leaving the top tier heroes —Iron Man, Captain America, Thor— for "something else."  Given that Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth are likely nearing the renegotiation phase of their contracts, it may make sense to emphasize other characters. But that said, "The Avengers" is a $1 billion property, and it would be surprising to see Marvel entrust that huge windfall to characters without a proven blockbuster track record.

Lastly, Bleeding Cool are reporting that Fox has a live action X-Men series in the works. And yeah, we could see that. With "Gotham" and "Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D." already on the air, "Agent Carter" coming, "The Flash" debuting on CW tonight, and Netflix set to for a handful of new comic series too, it makes sense that Fox would want to get in that game. Again, we shall see.

Thoughts? Do you want to see Spider-Man mix it up in the Marvel-verse? Weigh in below.

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  1. yep! Spidrman is due for a re invigoration. The comic has been reborn and so should teh movie franchise… the Junior member of the Avengers. And NYC could use the renovations these guys bring! Imagine the Sinistyer Six versus the Avengers 2nd stringers or better yet a very big Meta Human prison break … in NYC!!! Parker would have to help out of course. So many options for the kid! And the Big Crew!!

  2. How is Marvel not reprinting \’Big Hero 6\’ an example of their \’scorched Earth policy\’ against competitors. Disney\’s not a competitor. They OWN Marvel!


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