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Rumor Of The Day: Could Dr. Strange Really-For-Real Be In ‘Thor 2?’

nullEarlier this summer, we at The Playlist launched our Playlist podcast series. In our second episode, we conversed about Warner Bros.' plans for the Justice League, and of course, discussed the second phase of the Marvel cinematic universe. During our conversation we dropped some fun Marvel rumors that had come across our desk this summer (Marvel never verifies, so it tends to be speculative at best) and one of the more fascinating grapevine dispatches we heard was that Dr. Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel universe, would be a big part of "Thor: The Dark World" (then simply called "Thor 2").

Marvel love their Easter Egg teasers, and The Eye of Agamotto, the name commonly given to Doctor Strange's amulet, was spotted in the original "Thor" movie by keen fans (just like a "Black Panther" reference was spotted in "Iron Man 2," etc.). And so like Hawkeye (played by Jeremy Renner) being teased briefly in "Thor," one of the fun rumors we'd heard was Dr. Stephen Strange (the heroes alter ego) was going to appear in "Thor 2" in what would be somewhat of a substantial role. Some geeks shrugged, some took it (as they probably should) with a jumbo-sized grain of salt. Fair enough.

However, the rumor is beginning to build traction and could be on to something. A Marvel Studios-leaking Twitter account named Roger Wardell — who has apparently been on the money with early news about Falcon appearing in "Captain America 2" and Sebastian Stan reprising his role as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier as well — has been tweeting out again. Two new tweets have caught the eagle-eye of fans. One that suggests what we heard earlier this summer ("Inside News: There's something "Strange" about Thor: The Dark World") and another unconnected tweet that talks specific actors ("Inside News: Marvel is negotiations with Viggo Mortensen for an unspecified role in one of their Phase 2 films").

Screen Rant has put two and three together to come up with the idea that Viggo Mortensen could play Dr. Strange. Hell, we suppose he could be on their wishlist. We'd heard (as discussed during our podcast) that Marvel Studios' first choice for the role was Joel Edgerton, soon to be seen in Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" and Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby." (We'd all heard that Steven Moffat and Benedict Cumberbatch had met with Team Marvel about something and we hoped and prayed and wished upon a star that they were there for "Dr. Strange." Apparently this was not the case.) 

So is all this building evidence towards the inevitable? Hard to say, though personally we wouldn't doubt that Marvel would want to build up their heroes in this way. However, Viggo is a notoriously independent fellow, and in the years since he hung up his sword and shield after the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, he has taken a notably atypical path. He's done three movies with David Cronenberg, played a Nazi in a little-seen historical drama, appeared in a couple of documentaries, and starred in the troubled, imperfect adaptation of literary sensation "The Road." Not exactly the kind of dude who would jump at the chance to be locked into another multi-year, multi-film arrangement.

Also, keep in mind that he turned down roles in two major fantasy-like tentpoles in the last twelve months, "Man of Steel" and "Snow White and the Huntsman," A "Dr. Strange" script by Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer was commissioned and handed in last year, but there have been Dr. Strange scripts for at least the past decade. At one point David Goyer was writing one, until the executives asked him if he could take out all the magic. 

Other interesting rumors from Roger Wardell? 1. Cobie Smulders, Maximiliano Hernández, and Titus Welliver will be used on the Joss Whedon Marvel TV show about S.H.I.E.L.D. 2. Marvel wanted the rights to Silver Surfer and Galactus for "Guardians of the Galaxy." 3Baron Zemo will be another major villain in "Captain America 2." And 4. And apparently that actor Aldis Hodge is on Marvel's radar (which will inevitably lead everyone to think they have him in mind for Black Panther or Luke Cage). That's just the tip of the iceberg, and there are lots of other small tidbits for comic-book movie fans as well. Will they turn out to be true? Keep a scorecard and we'll see. Excelsior.

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  1. I`m looking for a summery , a kind of book to gathering vokabolar. This program should be able to order in alphabetical, in difficulties, in known or notknown.
    Thanks Dag

  2. To Mr. Dr. Davíd Marvell
    n-tv ǁ Das Todeswerk der Nazis | Original Titel: Engineering Evil: Inside the Holocaust ǁ 12/10/2012
    Dear Sir; Against the NAZIS! – Alt and new ones – Beat same, blow them! One in the BRD (Germany) highly honoured Mr Prof Hc Dr Hc Marceli Reich-Ranicki; a man with a Polish, a German and an Israeli Passport; a man following the court’s decision must be called “The Eichman from Kattowitz” has been talking with the Polish Exile Government in Great Britain to come home to the Polish Home Base. The brave People of this Government in GB had been killed shortly after they got out of the aircraft on Polish Soil. Well, you know, this man, the Prof Hc Dr Hc Reich Ranicki, would be intelligent enough to invent the gasification. This man, Prof Reich Ranicki has been said to be collaborating with the Nazis by the Vienna governing major also a Jew.
    Maybe that sounds curious but 1942 a book came out in the USA; ‘Germany must perish’. All the Germans were meant to be perished by sterilisation. It was said that so many Germans were there, so many women and so many men. The job would have been done by so many doctors. All Germans were to be castrated; Nazis, Democrats, Conservatives, and modern People, those who believed in Hitler, Communists, such who were fighting for the German Empire, Resistance People … the only ones that were not talked about were the Jews. The book only needed to get known in Germany. The British BBC gave that notice time again and again. Those people who were listening to the enemy broadcast what was forbidden while the war got the knowledge first. What a pleasure for the Jews. That knowledge increased of course to the Jews right away. Figure out what it was like in the KZ? Imagine yourself what it was like to be in KZ in a KZ? Fantastic, isn’t it?
    Every usual man is able to do abnormal things in abnormal conditions; like the men in Kuban, in Vietnam; in the Iraq, in Palestine, in …
    Well; don’t let it be forgot that there were another six million Jew killed in the first World War.
    One thinks about the People from Palestine. It all began with the injustice on the people of Poland and it ended with the injustice of Germany und Palestine. Do think about the “happening” of Kathyn with was done under der leadership of Sir Winston Churchill and Mr Stalin. There is a “UNIT” in Israel. A UNIT is everything allowed. Even the killing.
    Regards Dagobert R. Forner
    Dag. R. Forner Dipl. Ing. Zum Werhahn 2; 50169 Kerpen
    — — —
    A new Book: “Hitler was a British Agent” ISBN |0-473-10453-9|

  3. What the heck happened to the proposed 1983-84 Dr. Strange movie from Kings Road Entertainment that was supposed to go forward? And why would Marvel not be making a Dr. Strange movie instead of shoehorning him in a Thor one?

  4. Strange may fit well in the other-worldly Nine Realms of Thor, but it is still a Thor movie. Marvel could end up shoehorning him into the plot the same way they did with Black Widow and SHIELD in Iron Man 2. 'Dr. Stephen Strange' may end up as a cameo or a continuity wink the same way that 'Dr. Donald Blake' did in the first Thor.

  5. Having the master of the mystic arts appear in any significant role in Thor 2 would be the next best thing to having Stephen Strange in his own movie.

    The Earth's sorcerer supreme would not be out of place given that Malkeith and the dark elves and Loki will be in Thor 2.

    As an Aussie sci-fi writer I’ve written a solid collection of Marvel (espec Thor) fan fiction, why not check it out?


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