Friday, March 7, 2025

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Rumor: ‘Mr. Robot’ Creator Sam Esmail Might Be Writing An Obi-Wan Kenobi ‘Star Wars’ Story

Only yesterday, it felt like there were “Star Wars” movies and spin-offs scheduled up the wazoo, but it’s not going to be long before we actually run out of them. If the current release plans hold, we’ll get three films in the mega-franchise in the next twenty-four months — with “The Last Jedi” hitting this Christmas, the Han Solo spin-off landing in May 2018, and Colin Trevorrow’s “Episode IX” following a year later — but there’s nothing solid that’s been publicly announced after that.

As such, it’s probably fair to expect some announcements soon. Indeed, Kathleen Kennedy suggested at Star Wars Celebration recently to MTV that we’re likely to see an announcement in the summer, probably tied to the D23 or San Diego Comic-Con celebrations. The immediate frontrunner for the next Star Wars Story is likely to be a Boba Fett movie, which came within a whisker of being announced before original director Josh Trank fell out of favor with Lucasfilm. But an intriguing, if far from substantiated, rumor over the weekend suggested that we could be seeing something else on the slate too.

READ MORE: Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy Says The Skywalker Storyline May Continue Past ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’

The site Omega Underground reports from two separate sources that Sam Esmail, the writer-director who came to fame as the creator of USA’s cult hit drama “Mr. Robot” has been meeting with Lucasfilm regarding a “Star Wars” movie, and it’s likely a spin-off focused on Obi-Wan Kenobi. Persistent rumors, or at least wishful thinking, have suggested that a Kenobi-centric spin-off set between “Revenge Of The Sith” and “A New Hope” is one of the projects under consideration, so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for the studio to be seeking talent for it.

And Esmail, as one of the most hotly-touted auteurs of the peak TV era, would certainly be the kind of name that we can see Kennedy and co taking meetings with for such a project. That said, it’s worth taking the report with a pinch or two of salt. We’re not sure of the site’s track record one way or another, but even they stress that this seems to be at a very early stage, and it’s likely that half of Hollywood have taken meetings similar to Esmail’s in the last few years.

Furthermore, Ewan McGregor, who played Kenobi in the prequels, recently told Entertainment Weekly, that while he’d be “happy to do it if they wanted to do it,” as far as they he was aware “they’ve got films to make until the 2020s, so I don’t think it’s going to happen soon if it happens at all.” Similarly, Esmail doesn’t just showrun “Mr. Robot” and write the bulk of it, but he also directs the entire seasons as well, and he’s developing a new miniseries version of “Metropolis” too, so his schedule is unlikely to clear up any time soon.

As such, this is one to file under ‘one to keep an eye on’ rather than ‘take it to the bank,’ but stranger things have happened.

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  1. A possible PLOT for a first film or pilot episode that I wrote:


    It is a dark time for the Jedi. The remainig who have escaped from the dreaded Orded 66 are being pursued across the galaxy by the Empire’s sinister agents with the help of bounty hunters.

    Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi knight and hero of the Clone Wars, has been entrusted by Jedi Master Yoda to take care of Anakin Skywalker’s offsprig, Luke, the last hope of the Order.

    After receiving guidance from Master Yoda on the planet of Dagobah, Obi-wan returns to Tatooine, where young Luke is being raised by his uncles. Little does he know that he is being tracked down by an old foe ….

    PILOT EPISODE: “From OB-1 to Ben”

    1. Opening crawl.
    2. Kenobi’s ship leaves Hyperspace right in front of the desert planet. We can easily recognize it by the twin suns. Kenobi reflects, “Here is where everything started”. Kenobi’s ship approaches the planet across the Dragon’s Spine asteroid field. In flashbacks, Kenobi remembers meeting Anakin for the first time, Qui-gon, the pod race… and finally taking Luke to the Lars family. A screen of the ship shows the Lars farm. Off-screen, Yoda’s words about taking care of Luke and not calling attention.
    3. As Kenobi’s ship passes by, another ship (the Slave-I) is suspended among the asteroids, expecting for its prey like a spider. Inside, Bobba Fett has a “WANTED” poster with the face of Kenobi among others. A red light and a beep startle Fett, who starts following Obi-Wan’s ship. Kenobi notices it and tries to escape. There is a space battle. Obi-wan’s ship is badly damaged. Remembering Yoda’s words, Obi-Wan heads to the opposite side of Tatooine from the Lars, before the ship crashes.
    4. Kenobi’s ship grazes “Ben’s Mesa” before crashing on Beggar’s Canyon. He can barely jump out before it falls from a high cliff. Just as the ship explodes, he realizes that all he had left was inside of it. The few money he has are old republic credits… and they are of no use on a planet governed by the Hutts. He walks through the desert to find a place to hide during the night, as the suns set. He sees the Slave-I pass by over him, and he hides inside a cave … “a nice place to spend the night”.
    5. Bobba is not the first to reach the remains of the ship, near “Ben’s Mesa”. Already, some Tusken raiders are scavenging what is left. The three moons of Tatooine illuminate the scene. Bobba observes from a distance… aims at the Tuskens with his blaster… Then, the distant cry of a Krayt dragon alerts both the bounty hunter and the Sand People, who disperse around. Kenobi wakes in the darkness of the cave, a nearby growl… “maybe it wasn’t such a nice place to spend the night”.
    6. Kenobi ignites his lightsaber. The blueish light reveals an enormous Krayt dragon with his slimy jaws right upon him. Annoyed by the light, the dragon disarms Kenobi with a swift stroke of his claw. Kenobi manages to escape through the tunnels of the “Laguna Caves” in almost complete darkness. Initially in terror, he manages to remember Master Yoda’s wisdom words about being focused and not to succumb to fear. He meditates and breaths, leaving the Force guide him through the darkness to his lightsaber and finally killing the beast in the exterior of the cave, on a dune…
    7. Bobba finally approaches the remains of the ship. He inspects the area in search of Kenobi’s corpse. Something moves on the floor without his noticing. He is startled as he hears the final cry of the dragon. Something grabs his foot and the sand disappears beneath him. The ship is eaten through a hole on the ground. Fett realizes he is about to be eaten up by a small Sarlacc. He uses his whip to hold on to a rock while he shoots his blaster to the tentacle and flies away: “not this time”
    8. Kenobi sleeps in the now empty cave. He has nightmares about the last days of the Jedi and remembers how Anakin fell to the dark side. Their last duel… (Flashbacks to Prequels). He wakes up in anguish… “you were the chosen one”… He comes back to sleep – Flashback to Dagobah… recently: Yoda and Obi-Wan are talking. Yoda tells him how the prophecy that would bring balance to the Force might have been misinterpreted… Luke might be the chosen one… he has to protect him.
    9. On board the Slave-I again, Fett informs Vader that he hasn’t found Kenobi’s body, it may have disintegrated. On a hologram, Darth suggests that Kenobi might have escaped and tells him to search the area. On board a Destroyer, Vader gives orders to a mysterious hooded figure who has a bionic hand. He sends the Inquisitor to Tatooine to confirm the death of Kenobi. He commands him to recover his old lightsaber… and search for any possible information on Skywalker’s offspring.
    10. Sunrise. Kenobi has to walk through the desert (he has no ship and no money). As he walks, he remembers his first days at the Jedi Temple as a Youngling. He presents himself as a child at the doors of the Jedi Temple, but he is rejected by the Jedi for being a clone, his name is “OB-1”. Because of his insistence he calls the attention of Master Yoda, who immediately feels fond of the clone child. “Never had a clone been admitted for being a Jedi”, “for everything a first there is”, says Yoda.
    11. As he leaves the desert he reaches the Space Port of Mos Entha. He’s thirsty. He enters a Saloon, the “Jerba Ugly”. There is a Jerba head on the wall, live music and some Twi’lek girls are dancing on the bar and challenging customers to drinking contests. There is some racist trouble with an Ugnaught (tiny pig-like) called “Ben”. Some drunk Weequays are harassing the little guy. Kenobi helps Ben using his witty wisdom and mind tricks instead of the ligthsaber, getting rid of the offenders.
    12. Ben and Kenobi leave the Saloon. Moments after, Fett arrives. Kenobi and the Ugnaugth become friends. As they walk through the city Kenobi asks him about how to get to Anchorhead (where the Lars live). Ben advises him to get a job if he wants to reach the other side of Tatooine. He says there is a nearby diamond mine ruled by a Hutt who uses humans and other aliens. He´ll take him to the foreman. Fett leaves the Saloon startled and kicks sand frustrated as he doesn’t find them.
    13. Ben and Kenobi reach a dusty mine in the middle of the desert. There is a variety of aliens working at the mine: Mostly Ugnaughts, and other men… and a few Gamorrean guards armed with axes and whips. They approach to a cabin. The foreman is a gigantic and menacing Gamorrean. He hires Kenobi. Kenobi starts working at the mine. While he works, he remembers the first time he met his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn at the Temple, during a tournament in which he loses his temper.
    14. In flashbacks Yoda speaks to youngling Kenobi about how he wasn’t able to control his anger (the path to the dark side) during the tournament: “You’re reckless!”. Yoda sends him to the Jedi Agricultural Corps in Bandomeer, as nobody wants to train him. In the ship he meets Qui-Gon Jinn again. He comments on his failure during the tournament and become friends. A Gamorrean wakes him up from his thoughts and commands him to work. A Hutt flies around on a flying hoverboard, observing.
    15. While digging in the mine, a great rock falls off and is about to kill some Ugnaughts. Without much thought Kenobi uses the Force to save his friend Ben and the other slaves. He is immediately recognized as a Jedi knight and revered by all the slaves.
    By night, he talks to the slaves and asks them not to tell anyone. One of the slaves is not so happy about the Jedi, he tells them not to put their trust on a Jedi, “the elite, the chosen people, Palpatine did right getting rid of them”, he mocks.
    16. Next day, at the mine, Kenobi finds a dangerous sign of Tibanna gas accumulation. Kenobi talks to the Hutt about it, but he refuses to stop. “Time is money”. Kenobi remembers lessons with Yoda at the Jedi Temple, about not being reckless and the value of patience. Finally, there is an explosion at the mine, and some workers die. At night, the Ugnaut who hates Kenobi denounces him to the Gamorrean foreman. While he sleeps, Kenobi is captured by the Hutt with the help of Bobba Fett.
    17. In the dungeons, the Hutt, together with his court of Gamorrean guards, boasts on capturing the powerful Jedi. In the morning, the bounty hunter will take him to Lord Vader. The Hutt discusses the share of the bounty with Fett. Prisoner in a cell, Kenobi remembers teachings at the Temple by Master Dooku (Qui Gon’s mentor) and how he also turned to the dark side and captured him at Geonosis. Kenobi uses the force to put a Gamorrean guard to sleep, then opens the cell and escapes.
    18. Kenobi moves through the gloomy dungeons. His escape is soon noticed and an alarm wakes the guards. He is searched by Bobba Fett and some Gamorreans without success. Kenobi makes voices and uses mind tricks to fool the guards. One by one the Gamorreans fall in comic ways, hitting or shooting each other. Only Fett survives. But Ben, (Kenobi’s friend) is taken by Fett and threatened to die if Kenobi doesn’t give up. Kenobi appears and surrenders. He is made prisoner again.
    19. Unexpectedly, the Ugnauts and the other slaves rebel against the Hutt. They attack using their tools, and take advantage of the knocked out Gamorreans, who are being tied up by the tiny aliens. The Hutt is made prisoner. They take the mine and free Kenobi, who is given his lightsaber back. Kenobi runs after Fett, who knows his identity, but he manages to escape flying. “Another time Jedi”. The free Ugnauts start celebrating. Kenobi runs for a speeder to catch Fett. Ben thanks Kenobi.
    20. As Ben thanks Kenobi, a red lightsaber is thrust through the tiny slave. “Greetings from Lord Vader”. The familiar deep voice is that of former Jedi, Mace Windu, now turned into a bionic Inquisitor. His hand and part of his face are now robotic. Blue light clashes against red. Terrible lightsaber fight at sunrise. Fett observes from a distance behind a rock. Kenobi talks to Mace while they fight, making him remember. At the last moment Mace Wimdu doubts and recovers his true self.
    21. In that moment a whip whirls around strangles Mace. The whip ignites like a lightsaber and beheads the former Jedi with a small electric explosion. Kenobi doesn’t understand what has just happened. Bobba walks in as the two suns rise. “He killed my father”. Flashback to “Attack of the Clones”, to the Geonosis Arena when Mace Windu killed Jango Fett, and his son holds his helmet… Present: “And now is your turn”. Bobba shoots his whip again and tries to catch Kenobi alive.
    22. Kenobi is caught by the Bobba’s whip, but he frees himself using the lightsaber. He deflects the shoots from Fett’s blaster. Then, Kenobi has an idea and smiles cleverly. He manages to take the fight inside the mine. The Ugnaughts follow the fight without intervening. Fett says that darkness isn’t a problem for him, and activates his night view. Fett fires his blaster towards Kenobi, who dodges and… the mine explodes because of the gas. Bobba thinks that Kenobi died in the explosion.
    23. Bobba informs Vader through hologram communication that Kenobi died in the explosion and that his body disintegrated. Vader is in rage. He wanted him alive. All the while, on Tatooine, Kenobi burns the body of Ben, his Ugnaught friend, in a funeral pyre, on top of “Ben’s Mesa”. The two suns at sunset. Obi-wan has died. Now HE is “Ben”, Ben Kenobi. He leaves and enters the desert again. He has to reach Luke, he is their last hope.

  2. I wrote an OB-1 vs Boba Fett story. I hope you like it! ?


    It is a dark time for the Jedi. The remainig who have escaped from the dreaded Orded 66 are being pursued across the galaxy by the Empire’s sinister agents with the help of bounty hunters.

    Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi knight and hero of the Clone Wars, has been entrusted by Jedi Master Yoda to take care of Anakin Skywalker’s offsprig, Luke, the last hope of the Order.

    After receiving guidance from Master Yoda on the planet of Dagobah, Obi-wan returns to Tatooine, where young Luke is being raised by his uncles. Little does he know that he is being tracked down by an old foe ….

    PILOT EPISODE: “From OB-1 to Ben”

    1. Opening crawl.
    2. Kenobi’s ship leaves Hyperspace right in front of the desert planet. We can easily recognize it by the twin suns. Kenobi reflects, “Here is where everything started”. Kenobi’s ship approaches the planet across the Dragon’s Spine asteroid field. In flashbacks, Kenobi remembers meeting Anakin for the first time, Qui-gon, the pod race… and finally taking Luke to the Lars family. A screen of the ship shows the Lars farm. Off-screen, Yoda’s words about taking care of Luke and not calling attention.
    3. As Kenobi’s ship passes by, another ship (the Slave-I) is suspended among the asteroids, expecting for its prey like a spider. Inside, Bobba Fett has a “WANTED” poster with the face of Kenobi among others. A red light and a beep startle Fett, who starts following Obi-Wan’s ship. Kenobi notices it and tries to escape. There is a space battle. Obi-wan’s ship is badly damaged. Remembering Yoda’s words, Obi-Wan heads to the opposite side of Tatooine from the Lars, before the ship crashes.
    4. Kenobi’s ship grazes “Ben’s Mesa” before crashing on Beggar’s Canyon. He can barely jump out before it falls from a high cliff. Just as the ship explodes, he realizes that all he had left was inside of it. The few money he has are old republic credits… and they are of no use on a planet governed by the Hutts. He walks through the desert to find a place to hide during the night, as the suns set. He sees the Slave-I pass by over him, and he hides inside a cave … “a nice place to spend the night”.
    5. Bobba is not the first to reach the remains of the ship, near “Ben’s Mesa”. Already, some Tusken raiders are scavenging what is left. The three moons of Tatooine illuminate the scene. Bobba observes from a distance… aims at the Tuskens with his blaster… Then, the distant cry of a Krayt dragon alerts both the bounty hunter and the Sand People, who disperse around. Kenobi wakes in the darkness of the cave, a nearby growl… “maybe it wasn’t such a nice place to spend the night”.
    6. Kenobi ignites his lightsaber. The blueish light reveals an enormous Krayt dragon with his slimy jaws right upon him. Annoyed by the light, the dragon disarms Kenobi with a swift stroke of his claw. Kenobi manages to escape through the tunnels of the “Laguna Caves” in almost complete darkness. Initially in terror, he manages to remember Master Yoda’s wisdom words about being focused and not to succumb to fear. He meditates and breaths, leaving the Force guide him through the darkness to his lightsaber and finally killing the beast in the exterior of the cave, on a dune…
    7. Bobba finally approaches the remains of the ship. He inspects the area in search of Kenobi’s corpse. Something moves on the floor without his noticing. He is startled as he hears the final cry of the dragon. Something grabs his foot and the sand disappears beneath him. The ship is eaten through a hole on the ground. Fett realizes he is about to be eaten up by a small Sarlacc. He uses his whip to hold on to a rock while he shoots his blaster to the tentacle and flies away: “not this time”
    8. Kenobi sleeps in the now empty cave. He has nightmares about the last days of the Jedi and remembers how Anakin fell to the dark side. Their last duel… (Flashbacks to Prequels). He wakes up in anguish… “you were the chosen one”… He comes back to sleep – Flashback to Dagobah… recently: Yoda and Obi-Wan are talking. Yoda tells him how the prophecy that would bring balance to the Force might have been misinterpreted… Luke might be the chosen one… he has to protect him.
    9. On board the Slave-I again, Fett informs Vader that he hasn’t found Kenobi’s body, it may have disintegrated. On a hologram, Darth suggests that Kenobi might have escaped and tells him to search the area. On board a Destroyer, Vader gives orders to a mysterious hooded figure who has a bionic hand. He sends the Inquisitor to Tatooine to confirm the death of Kenobi. He commands him to recover his old lightsaber… and search for any possible information on Skywalker’s offspring.
    10. Sunrise. Kenobi has to walk through the desert (he has no ship and no money). As he walks, he remembers his first days at the Jedi Temple as a Youngling. He presents himself as a child at the doors of the Jedi Temple, but he is rejected by the Jedi for being a clone, his name is “OB-1”. Because of his insistence he calls the attention of Master Yoda, who immediately feels fond of the clone child. “Never had a clone been admitted for being a Jedi”, “for everything a first there is”, says Yoda.
    11. As he leaves the desert he reaches the Space Port of Mos Entha. He’s thirsty. He enters a Saloon, the “Jerba Ugly”. There is a Jerba head on the wall, live music and some Twi’lek girls are dancing on the bar and challenging customers to drinking contests. There is some racist trouble with an Ugnaught (tiny pig-like) called “Ben”. Some drunk Weequays are harassing the little guy. Kenobi helps Ben using his witty wisdom and mind tricks instead of the ligthsaber, getting rid of the offenders.
    12. Ben and Kenobi leave the Saloon. Moments after, Fett arrives. Kenobi and the Ugnaugth become friends. As they walk through the city Kenobi asks him about how to get to Anchorhead (where the Lars live). Ben advises him to get a job if he wants to reach the other side of Tatooine. He says there is a nearby diamond mine ruled by a Hutt who uses humans and other aliens. He´ll take him to the foreman. Fett leaves the Saloon startled and kicks sand frustrated as he doesn’t find them.
    13. Ben and Kenobi reach a dusty mine in the middle of the desert. There is a variety of aliens working at the mine: Mostly Ugnaughts, and other men… and a few Gamorrean guards armed with axes and whips. They approach to a cabin. The foreman is a gigantic and menacing Gamorrean. He hires Kenobi. Kenobi starts working at the mine. While he works, he remembers the first time he met his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn at the Temple, during a tournament in which he loses his temper.
    14. In flashbacks Yoda speaks to youngling Kenobi about how he wasn’t able to control his anger (the path to the dark side) during the tournament: “You’re reckless!”. Yoda sends him to the Jedi Agricultural Corps in Bandomeer, as nobody wants to train him. In the ship he meets Qui-Gon Jinn again. He comments on his failure during the tournament and become friends. A Gamorrean wakes him up from his thoughts and commands him to work. A Hutt flies around on a flying hoverboard, observing.
    15. While digging in the mine, a great rock falls off and is about to kill some Ugnaughts. Without much thought Kenobi uses the Force to save his friend Ben and the other slaves. He is immediately recognized as a Jedi knight and revered by all the slaves.
    By night, he talks to the slaves and asks them not to tell anyone. One of the slaves is not so happy about the Jedi, he tells them not to put their trust on a Jedi, “the elite, the chosen people, Palpatine did right getting rid of them”, he mocks.
    16. Next day, at the mine, Kenobi finds a dangerous sign of Tibanna gas accumulation. Kenobi talks to the Hutt about it, but he refuses to stop. “Time is money”. Kenobi remembers lessons with Yoda at the Jedi Temple, about not being reckless and the value of patience. Finally, there is an explosion at the mine, and some workers die. At night, the Ugnaut who hates Kenobi denounces him to the Gamorrean foreman. While he sleeps, Kenobi is captured by the Hutt with the help of Bobba Fett.
    17. In the dungeons, the Hutt, together with his court of Gamorrean guards, boasts on capturing the powerful Jedi. In the morning, the bounty hunter will take him to Lord Vader. The Hutt discusses the share of the bounty with Fett. Prisoner in a cell, Kenobi remembers teachings at the Temple by Master Dooku (Qui Gon’s mentor) and how he also turned to the dark side and captured him at Geonosis. Kenobi uses the force to put a Gamorrean guard to sleep, then opens the cell and escapes.
    18. Kenobi moves through the gloomy dungeons. His escape is soon noticed and an alarm wakes the guards. He is searched by Bobba Fett and some Gamorreans without success. Kenobi makes voices and uses mind tricks to fool the guards. One by one the Gamorreans fall in comic ways, hitting or shooting each other. Only Fett survives. But Ben, (Kenobi’s friend) is taken by Fett and threatened to die if Kenobi doesn’t give up. Kenobi appears and surrenders. He is made prisoner again.
    19. Unexpectedly, the Ugnauts and the other slaves rebel against the Hutt. They attack using their tools, and take advantage of the knocked out Gamorreans, who are being tied up by the tiny aliens. The Hutt is made prisoner. They take the mine and free Kenobi, who is given his lightsaber back. Kenobi runs after Fett, who knows his identity, but he manages to escape flying. “Another time Jedi”. The free Ugnauts start celebrating. Kenobi runs for a speeder to catch Fett. Ben thanks Kenobi.
    20. As Ben thanks Kenobi, a red lightsaber is thrust through the tiny slave. “Greetings from Lord Vader”. The familiar deep voice is that of former Jedi, Mace Windu, now turned into a bionic Inquisitor. His hand and part of his face are now robotic. Blue light clashes against red. Terrible lightsaber fight at sunrise. Fett observes from a distance behind a rock. Kenobi talks to Mace while they fight, making him remember. At the last moment Mace Wimdu doubts and recovers his true self.
    21. In that moment a whip whirls around strangles Mace. The whip ignites like a lightsaber and beheads the former Jedi with a small electric explosion. Kenobi doesn’t understand what has just happened. Bobba walks in as the two suns rise. “He killed my father”. Flashback to “Attack of the Clones”, to the Geonosis Arena when Mace Windu killed Jango Fett, and his son holds his helmet… Present: “And now is your turn”. Bobba shoots his whip again and tries to catch Kenobi alive.
    22. Kenobi is caught by the Bobba’s whip, but he frees himself using the lightsaber. He deflects the shoots from Fett’s blaster. Then, Kenobi has an idea and smiles cleverly. He manages to take the fight inside the mine. The Ugnaughts follow the fight without intervening. Fett says that darkness isn’t a problem for him, and activates his night view. Fett fires his blaster towards Kenobi, who dodges and… the mine explodes because of the gas. Bobba thinks that Kenobi died in the explosion.
    23. Bobba informs Vader through hologram communication that Kenobi died in the explosion and that his body disintegrated. Vader is in rage. He wanted him alive. All the while, on Tatooine, Kenobi burns the body of Ben, his Ugnaught friend, in a funeral pyre, on top of “Ben’s Mesa”. The two suns at sunset. Obi-wan has died. Now HE is “Ben”, Ben Kenobi. He leaves and enters the desert again. He has to reach Luke, he is their last hope.


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