Let the speculatin' begin (again). During the entire press run for Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises," the drum beat played by everyone around the picture, from the director through each member of the cast, was that it was the end. There would be no fourth movie. Christian Bale said he wouldn't suit up again (unless Nolan wanted him to) and even with Joseph Gordon-Levitt revealed to be Robin/the new Batman, the actor insisted that there was no need for any spinoffs. Never say never, we suppose…there may be something transpiring….
HitFix is reporting that according to their sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt will "absolutely" be returning as Batman in "Justice League" (sorry Armie Hammer). Furthermore, they hear rumblings that Gordon-Levitt — and possibly one other actor from the Nolan-verse — will suit up earlier, and they basically suggest that he could pop his head into "Man Of Steel" in some sort of Marvel-esque world-building scheme. On the one hand, we're sure Warner Bros. would love to find a way to build off of Nolan's wildly successful trilogy, which for now has been viewed as being completely self-contained. However, this whole plan sounds like the exact antithesis of Nolan's approach, who has more or less sought to have his Batman pictures stand independently from anything else.
That being said, commerce talks, and Warner Bros. are likely eager to make sure their "Justice League" is just as big and bad as Marvel's "The Avengers 2," with both slated to drop in 2015. With rumors already brewing that "Man Of Steel" will link to "Justice League" in some fashion, this scenario does sound plausible, though there is room for skepticism.
So let us know below: should JGL wear the cowl in "Justice League"? And while you're at it, take a look at a batch of new images from "The Dark Knight Rises" from Facebook, taken from nearly every section of the movie, particularly the last third, which explains why they weren't used in the run up to the theatrical bow. But it's a nice way to tease the DVD and Blu-ray release for the film on December 4th.
JGL recruited in Justice League as Nightwing.
Martian invasion proves to overwhelming for the league.
JGL realizes that the league needs Batman.
Finds Bruce Wayne.
Dramatic reappearance.
Batman kicks everyone's ass, and roars:
cut scene
roll credits.
If Micahel Keeton can play Batman then JGL can. Get past all your little comicbook ideas and ralize the acting capability of JGL. People freaked out when they said that Bale was going to play Batman, people freaked! JGL did an outstanding job in the last Batman movie and he will do just fine in a JL movie as Batman!
I think it would be a great idea to have JGL play a robin/nightwing/batman in the JL movie. Like the batman series and hopefully the superman movie, it would give the JL a different touch than the comics. In my opinion I think it is lazy and uncreative to remake the same things that have been done without going out on a limb trying something new and making it your own. I honestly thought the batman series would have been a flop but it has turned out to be my favorite incarnation of the caped crusader.
It has to be Bruce Wayne / Batman. I think they're going to mess up if JGL takes the role as Batman. I always thought that he would be Nightwing or Robin. If they're going to reboot Batman, they better do it right by not getting someone from the Dark Knight series.
Can someone explain what exactly Arnie Hammer has done that is convincing people he'd be a great Batman? I'm not against the idea I'm just wondering what exactly people are seeing in him?
I think JGL would make an okay Batman, but JL should really have a Bruce Wayne Batman. Bring on Armie Hammer!
I think this is an awful idea. If there's a Justice League it should have the Bruce Wayne Batman not John Blake. Reboot the entire thing or bring back Bale.
Catwoman can't be the other person from the Nolan trilogy to appear in Justice League because the end of TDKR shows us she is retired from the game just like Bruce is done with the cowl. If JGL appears in Justice League as Batman or Nightwing or there's any other type of tie-in, I could see perhaps Cillian Murphy returning as Scarecrow. I think Oldman, Freeman and Caine are done. Another longshot would be a post-Arkham Carmine Falconi with Tom Wilkinson returning.
Ohhhh wait, the person who suggested Schoenarts is definitely on to something here too…
I think this rumor is probably fake but if it were true it'd up my excitement for JL about ten thousand percent. Really it would be a smart move on Warner's part connecting the Nolanverse to this, despite the fact that many fans might find it saCreligious, just to build some kind momentum or vested interst. So who's the other character that might 'suit up' again though? Really the only possibilities I can think of are Hathaway or Oldman but I feel like neither of them would w ant to do it with Nolan? Maybe Caine as Alfred cameo?
"Clear the corners, rookie"
what happened to Armie Hammer Batman?
Bruce Wayne not in the Justice League movie?! No! Thats like saying Bruce Banner wouldn't be playing The Hulk in The Avengers! Treason!! Let us know what you think : http://bit.ly/SqT5eP
I think the JGL story is bullshit.
I hope this isn't true. It would kill the element of realism from Nolan's Batman. Just call Fassbender or Schoenaerts
I actually think it's a good idea to have JGL return as Batman. Not only would it trigger a clear difference tonally and visually between him and Bales's Batman, but also it would solidify the connection between Justice League and Nolan's Batman universe. Besides by somehow connecting Justice League to the Nolan's films and Snyder's Man of Steel, which all position these superheroes in a serious and realistic world, the Justice League film will differentiate itself a lot from the light comic-booky tone of Marvel's The Avengers. Isn't that what we want? Something different?
I'm not sure why WB would need to have JGL as Batman…Would that REALLY boost box office? I doubt it. If anything it would just draw negative comparisons to Bale as Batman. JGL is great, and I liked his role in TDKR but he would not make as good of a Bats as Bale did for the entirety of a movie, even a Justice League one where he plays a supporting role. Just cast someone else as Bruce Wayne/Batman and let Nolan's series be its own trilogy.
Hilarious. Bruce Wayne IS Batman and JGL is not Batman.
Damn, Bane still frightens me! Terrorist psycho!
This is brilliant news, the JGL set-up at the end of Rises was too good an opportunity to pass up. The ending left no doubt in my mind he'd return as Batman, until everyone started denying it.
He wouldn't even be a good Robin, let alone Batman.
Not even Chris Nolan can stop the juggernaut of commerce.
worst news ever.