Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Rumor: Angelina Jolie To Direct The Erotic Novel ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ For Universal

null"Fifty Shades Of Grey." Even if you haven't read the erotic fiction novel by British author E. L. James, it's inescapable in pop culture references these days and you've likely at least heard jokes about it you probably don't understand yet. Described as a "Twilight"-inspired erotic novel about a about a steamy bondage and S&M relationship between a wealthy Seattle businessman and a virginal young college student, the novel has sold ten million copies worldwide and book rights sold in over 37 countries.

Of course, the buzz what it is, Universal Studios snatched up the rights to the novel, and its two upcoming sequels back in March, obviously hoping to defy "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"-like problems inherent in its source material ('TGWTDT' has also sold gazillions worldwide, but audiences didn't exactly come out in droves for the dark adaptation of the well-read and populist novel).

And so with Universal hot to trot on the project, now comes the latest befitting rumor: sensualist Angelina Jolie being in line to direct. Deadline reports they've heard a whisper or two about the soon-to-be Mrs. Brad Pitt engaged in some early conversations with the studio to direct but that's about as concrete as it gets. Universal has essentially denied it already, but claims if Jolie was interested, there'd be talks. File under: hmm, let's wait and see. But on the surface, it seems to be a superficially good fit. Didn't Jolie carry a vial of blood around from her former beau Billy Bob Thornton? Kink aplenty, those two, we're sure (shudder).

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