Ron Howard, the reigning patriarch of bland, crowd-pleasing cinema and director of the latest Dan Brown adaptation has released a teaser trailer for “Angels and Demons.” The book by Dan Brown accomplishes an amazing feat, it is more historically inaccurate and absurd than his wildly popular book, “The DaVinci Code.”
The movie follows a naive American scholar, played by Tom Hanks as he stumbles upon an international conspiracy on the eve of the election of the new pope. He attempts to foil it but may be in over his head putting his life in danger. The trailer, even with its cheesy voice over and see-through special effects will most certainly have the mid-westerners creaming in their pants and thinking how great it is that someone has finally made a film exposing those evil Illuminati.
Ultimately it won’t matter how ridiculous this thing is because like “The DaVinci Code” it is probably going to make close to a billion dollars and continue this vicious cycle by causing another one of Browns books to be adapted into a yet another Ron Howard movie. When will this madness end? Probably no time in the near-future, oh movie going American public, how we loathe you.
LOL! What was that about???
No Amelie this time?