Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Roger Deakins Says Don’t See ‘Blade Runner 2049’ In 3D

This week, most of the talk surrounding “Blade Runner 2049” has been about its disappointing box office returns, raising questions about its marketing strategy, and the impact it might’ve had on the final numbers. Lost in the discussion has been the film’s artistry. No matter where you might stand on the movie, Denis Villeneuve‘s film looks magnificent, and that’s thanks to the outstanding work by Roger Deakins. There is already Oscar chatter brewing for the cinematographer’s exceptional efforts on the picture, but if you to experience it as he intended, you’ll have to put those 3D glasses down.

“We shot the film in 2D and in a widescreen format,” Deakins wrote in the forums of his website, “…I oversaw the timing of all the versions of ‘BR2049’ including the HDR version.”

READ MORE: Jared Leto Talks His ‘Blade Runner 2049’ Secret, Hopes For Sequels & Prequels

“My preferred version is the standard 2D widescreen version. A problem I have with some viewing systems is their use of silvered screens. The image projected on a silvered screen lacks saturation as well as density as it falls off from a hot spot in the center of vision,” he added. “This may not be so apparent for someone sitting in the optimum viewing seat but it is a compromise in terms of image quality wherever you are seated, though it maybe a compromise worth accepting if you are a fan of 3D.”

In layman’s terms — “Blade Runner 2049” provides a richer, more consistent image in 2D than in 3D. Moreover, the film was visually conceived in 2D.

So, if you haven’t seen the film yet, you know where to put your money, and I’d suggest IMAX 2D — the movie looks glorious in that format. Thoughts? Let us know in the comments section, particularly if you’ve already seen it in 3D. [via Digital Spy]

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  1. Here in Brazil, the majority of copies are 3D. The few 2D versions are scattered on awful schedules and most of the times are dubbed in portuguese (something that completely ruins the film).

    The 3D actually didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, but it is also completely unnecessary.

  2. Deakins recommends seeing the film in widescreen 2D, but I guess if the writer of this article thinks IMAX 3D is better then we should just ignore Deakins and go with… Kevin who?

  3. I saw it in 3D & it was incredible! Super immersive. Loved it so much that I’ll prob see it again in the Dolby 2D theater, to check out the improved dynamic range.

  4. I saw it in 3D and realized it was a post-production conversion early on. Very dull coversion at that – very little sense of depth for 3D. I saw it a second time in 2D and enjoyed the brighter screen. Recommended to friends planning to see the show to do so in 2D.

  5. I wasn’t sure which way to go. If it had been playing in imax 3d at my local theater ,I probably would have seen that.

    Thankfully they only had imax 2d for this particular no film, and it looked absolutely fantastic. They had basic 3d not imax but I read that the conversion was quite dark.

    I would still like to seen it in imax 3d just for the heck of it.

  6. There’s never a reason to watch ANYTHING in 3D. I don’t understand why some people seek out a 3D showing, when presumably all the clips that sold them in the first place were in 2D. Why would anyone think wearing dark glasses in a dark theater is going to make the experience BETTER? Native stereoscopic or post conversion … it DOES NOT MATTER. You have filmmakers like Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Guillermo del Toro and now Roger Deakins actively telling people to see their films in regular, old 2D. Haven’t we all learned by now that 3D is a joke?

  7. In fact, he never says to not see it in 3-D. He DOES say that he prefers the 2-D version, as intended. He even allows the 3-D may be a “compromise worth accepting if you are a fan of 3D.” BIG difference between that and your clickbait headline! Sorry, but The Playlist (and all news sites) loses major points with crap like this. Have the staff look up “journalism.”


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