Monday, March 3, 2025

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Robert Pattinson Joins Werner Herzog’s ‘Queen Of The Desert’ With Naomi Watts

Werner HerzogNow, this is how you not only get over a breakup, but continue to build a helluva resume. Say what you will about Robert Pattinson, but he is using his "Twilight" fame to take on challenging, interesting projects. Over the past few months, he's attached himself to "Mission: Blacklist" about the hunt for Saddam Hussein, a mystery movie about The Band, and "Animal Kingdom" director David Michod's "The Rover." But wow, we could not have seen this next move coming.

Pattinson will co-star in Werner Herzog's next film "Queen Of The Desert" opposite Naomi Watts. The film will tell the true story of Gertrude Bell (Watts), the traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, and political attaché for the British Empire at the dawn of the twentieth century. So who will Pattinson play? Only one of the most important figures in recent history, T.E. Lawrence aka Lawrence Of Arabia, who worked with Bell to establish the Hashemite dynasties in Jordan and Iraq.

This movie first started percolating well over a year ago, but this bit of news certainly kicks it to high gear. Indeed, production is now being aimed for a late fall start (we'd guess after 'Breaking Dawn 2' press obligations are over), and hopefully this gets the ball rolling on what will be Herzog's first narrative film since 2009's double whammy of "Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans" and "My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done" (yeah, it's been that long). Hopefully, this historical epic won't involve moving a boat over a mountain, but Herzog + Pattinson? That's the craziest thing we've heard since Cronenberg + Pattinson….oh, wait…. [Variety]

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  1. Rob is a bad actor because of Twi really ?
    Edward had to be good looking, captivating, stand out from the crowd, was he? yes,
    ( also be said for him as Cedric in HP despite fans angry that he didnt have a perfectly straight nose) despite 75.000 petition against him because he wasnt prerry enough, when they saw him before filming
    was he at 21yr convincing as a young at heart 17yr old as well as wordly, educated , confident, focused, in control, though Rob is very nervous, normally, yes
    was he convincing as fast, athletic, agile, gracefull, strong, despite not being these things in real life,yes also said about his Cedric in HP , after the film a rugby team wanted him to play a charity game with them
    Rob is extremly un co ordinated, clumsy, was useless at sport in school, he said he couldnt play football , tried to be a goaly but kept dropping the ball, and has a slight limp
    was he convincing of being in love yes
    the only thing he didnt have to act, was his music, his friends song was used in the film, he sang two songs. I think Hardwick should have used the soft song over the pictures and the other in the resteraunt, they use an orchastra in the film, Rob can play piano, he learnt the part and played it , this is what has upset him the most that the obsessive intrusion and analysing ment he stopped doing his music which he loved, and helped him relax and focus, also going to watch his friends perform concerts, but people were nasty to them obsessive intrest turned to obsessive hate
    was Twi good? no comment. was his acting good yes , you may not like the film, but he nailed the character

  2. I know this is an old post, indiewire have posted recent articles on QOTD , curious about all the posts they have done on the film
    since this article Nichole Kidman is Bell, only seen her in Golden compass, didnt enjoy her performance, played a character she could have done a lot with, strong confident performance but for me the emotion and intensity didnt come accross
    since this article James Franco is involved, not comfortable supporting him, twitter, pics the scripts hes wrote, films etc;
    he wanted to do a project with Rob years ago and he said no, I wish Rob had pulled out of this

  3. Pattinson is making some interesting choices, but after seeing Prometheus I think Michael Fassbender would be the best choice to play T.E. Lawrence.

  4. Give this young man a break. He is only 26 and he is picking interesting parts that are challenging. This says a lot about his true character and obviously he is not interested in the money but more interested in honing his acting skills. I personally am tired of everyone basing their opinions because of the Twilight films. In every film I see a marked maturity and in a few years he will be celebrated as a great actor. If you gave this much attention to johnny depp or some other actors you could say the same about them when they were young. He will make a great Lawrence and this is from someone who believes Leans LOA is the best movie ever made.

  5. With Pattinson co-starring it seems it will be less a biopic about Bell and more about the working relationship b/w Bell & Lawrence. I'd like to see Bell get the full Lawrence of Arabia treatment but I'll probably have to wait for the Scott/Jolie pic for that.

  6. I've been hoping for a biopic of Gertrude Bell for years. She was an incredible woman so I'm beyond happy this project is finally happening. I'm glad that the Wattts/Herzog is happening rather than the Angelina Jolie/Ridley Scott version as I think Watts is a better fit. Superficially Pattinson will make a good Lawrence but anyone who portrays Lawrence on the big screen is very brave given how revered Peter O'Toole's portrayal.

  7. To all the predictables saying Rob's a bad actor, what exactly are your credentials? Shut up and do it yourself because you are in no position! Pattinson got his start in a highly sought after part in a Harry Potter film, made his way to a highly sought after part for Twilight(for this he gets the nonsensical hate and insults), was cast by Olivier award winning directors Declan Delellan and Nick Ormerod, Sopranos' Alan Coulter, Cronenberg and now Herzog so STFU! His award winning co-stars and respected directors have nothing but praise for him and he continues to fight a vicious bias for being Edward Cullen, but you can't even claim they hire him for Twilight dollars as you haters contradict yourselves as he chooses difficult, arty genres!

  8. These indie films only cast Rob because he is a guarantee of getting financing. That's why Cronenberg uses him. And he brings a lot of attention to a movie, but he doesn't cost very much.

  9. Everyone knows that Pattinson gets cast because of his big-box-office Twilight clout. The franchise heft he wields lures investors to the project who believe that R.Patz's presence alone will make the film a hit with the tween set. It's all about box office. As far as his talent goes… wait — what talent? Pet store hamsters have turned in more convincing acting work.

  10. he is moving on and these Directors don't cast him out of sympathy, so you silly people, who doubt first Cronenberg now doubt Herzog, your silliness is becoming boring and its quiet shameful

  11. The Kristen Stewart fans are here bashing Robert Pattinson AGAIN. Rob has gotten rave reviews for Cosmopolis. Great directors want to work with him.

  12. Sorry, but merely working with famous directors does not make you an good and or important actor. The films have to actually be good so you can rule Cosmopolis out.


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