On Monday night, the Force was strong with fans around the globe, as the long-awaited new trailer for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi“ finally arrived. However, even before it aired, fans debated about whether or not they should watch it, or go into the film with fresh eyes. Even director Rian Johnson was initially cool with those who decided to skip the trailer, before declaring “FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID AND WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT.” Well, if you caved and watched the trailer, don’t worry, because nothing was spoiled.
Johnson reveals that very early on, he sat down with Lucasfilm to discuss what plot points from ‘The Last Jedi’ they would allow to be shared in marketing the movie, and which were taken off the table.
“A year ago, maybe even more than that, my producer Ram [Bergman] and I sat down with the folks at Lucasfilm and said, ‘OK, this is what we’re going to reveal here and there, and this stuff we’re never going to reveal until the movie comes out.’ We came up with a ‘no-fly list’ of, under no circumstances is this shown or that shown,” he told Yahoo.
“It is a fascinating process.” Johnson added. “It’s something that for me, just having been a fan my whole life, suddenly being behind the curtain and seeing how it works and seeing how deliberate it is, has been really fascinating.”
Unlike other studios, Lucasfilm has always been very good about not spoiling their films in trailers, and it’s certainly reassuring to know they care about how fans experience the movie — including before it comes out. So don’t worry, nothing major has been spoiled, and it will likely stay that way until the film arrives on December 15th. [Comic Book]
Thank god….. I was tormented trying to skip it until I broke down last night…