Friday, October 4, 2024

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‘Revolutionary Road’ Is An Oscar Caliber Film, In Case You Were Wondering…

No time for a full review, but quickly: You’re probably not wondering about it now because this morning it received four Golden Globe nominations, but there was some tentative worry about the award merits of Sam Mendes’ “Revolutionary Road” a few weeks ago when the trades put out two very mixed reviews (one hating it with particular vigor).

To reiterate what Playlist member David Benjamin’s already wrote in his review, “Revolutionary Road” definitely is worthy of Oscar consideration and certainly will be part of the Academy pack come nomination announcement time January 22, 2009.

A few things to note. Don’t worry about the Globes. Michael Shannon has assured himself a Best Supporting role in his electric performance. Mark our words, put money on it and send us the bill if you lose, seriously. Just like the Globes Kate Winslet and Leonard DiCaprio will be there as well, but let it be noted, DiCaprio actually puts in a stronger performance than Winslet if you can believe it.

Once we saw the picture last night, it provided a perfect piece of the Oscar prognosticating puzzle: we knew “The Dark Knight” had now been pushed out of the frame. If anything Christopher Nolan has a small shot of ousting Sam Mendes from his slot (Academy likes to mess with one of the spots from time to time, see last year when “The Diving Bell And The Butterfly” didn’t get nominated but Julian Schnabel snuck his way in for a Best Directing nomination).

Roger Deakins has an excellent shot at a cinematography nomination and Thomas Newman the composer does not (it’s fine and all, but his “Wall-E” work has a better shot). Yes, it has its flaws and its not perfect, but it is quite good and probably more engaging then most of the Oscar-bait this season. We’d put it above, “Frost/Nixon,” and on par or better than “Milk.” More later…

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