Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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The Reason Behind Wolverine Reshoots: More Ryan Reynolds?

In a fit of fanboy excitement, informs us that one of the chief (if not the) reasons why 20th Century Fox’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” has gone into reshoot mode is so that they can beef up a character that was at one time relegated to “cameo status” alongside And that character is Deadpool, as portrayed by Ryan Reynolds (him?)

Previous excuses reasons for the reshoots were told to be of the weather and location variety. If anyone had any doubts that Hugh Jackman‘s letter to AICN was essentially a PR move, this ought to dispel that theory right quick.

Are those involved with ‘Wolverine’ thinking that they should hew closer to the team dynamic of the “X-Men” films? Possibly. That choice may be a good move that provides more action sequences than action-less ones that could be viewed as a “Kung-Fu” retread. Theories aside, expect a ‘Deadpool’ spin-off if this promotion from cameo to supporting character is any clue.

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