Michael Simon de Normier, producer of “The Reader” has acquired the rights to the biography, “Eva Braun: Life with Hitler” by Heike B. Görtemaker and C.H. Beck.
The book, published earlier this month in Germany, is expected to be a bestseller and is supposedly the first academic study of Adolf Hitler’s companion/wife. We remember a time when the idea of a film about Eva Braun was considered so much of a joke, it was a gag on an episode of “Seinfeld,” but we suppose times have changed.
Undoubtedly, a film focusing on Braun will be sure to draw some controversy, but Normier is going ahead in seeking a director and screenwriter for the project, which he currently has budgeted between $20-30 million. He also plans to help the book be published in English.
C. H. Beck is the publsihing company.