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Ranked: The Weird, Strange & Beloved Outer Rim Characters Of The ‘Star Wars’ Universe

Star Wars Secondary Characters
30. Chancellor Finis Valorum
As Seen In: ‘Episode I: The Phantom Menace’
Who Is He? He’s the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Order, before Amidala ousts him out of office through a vote of No Confidence, paving the way for Palpatine to get elected and start spreading his poison from up on high. During that pivotal scene, which is really his most memorable moment in the film and the main purpose of his ‘Star Wars’ existence, Terence Stamp’s expression is a priceless combination of sadness and boredom.
Defining Characteristic: In theory? Being a good-natured pawn of the system. In reality? Being portrayed by Terence Stamp.

29. Ki-Adi-Mundi
As Seen In: ‘Episode I: The Phantom Menace,’ ‘Episode II: Attack of the Clones,’ ‘Episode III: Revenge of the Sith’
Who Is He?
A member of the Jedi council who isn’t called Yoda or Mace Windu, and who bears an uncanny resemblance to Dan Aykroyd as seen in “Coneheads.” Ki-Adi-Mundi is the premiere face of the multi-cultural council, clearly respected by everyone except Palpatine (who finally gets him killed by his own men through Order 66) and who was a Jedi Padawan to the one and only Yoda. We get to see him kick ass against the clones in ‘Episode II,’ but most of what he says in all three prequels is forgettable (no ofence to actor Silas Carson who does a fine job with what he’s got).
Defining Characteristics:
Ki-Adi-Mundi is all about his Cerean Traffic-cone look, one of the most memorable designs from the prequels.

Star Wars Characters
28. Logray
As Seen In: ‘Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi’
Who Is He? Of all the Ewoks, Logray stands out for a number of reasons, but mostly because of the way he dresses. He’s a shaman (the fact that Ewok’s have their own spiritual medicine man is more than enough reason to give him a shout-out) who wears a headdress made from a bird’s skull, and as if that wasn’t enough, his unique white-striped fur makes him look like he’s got war paint on his face. He manages to be both threatening and adorable – more than you can say for most of the other Ewoks. That’s right, Wickett, I’m looking at you too.
Defining Characteristic: A cynical badass whose good side is almost impossible to get on.

27. Admiral Motti
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
Who Is He: Motti (portrayed by the late Richard Leparmentier) is the first in line of a number of Admirals employed by the Dark Side who are clearly impervious to Darth Vader’s whole getup. During a meeting, this snotty and arrogant Admiral gets a bit drunk on the Death Star’s technology and dares to speak down to Darth friggin’ Vader. Thanks to his foolishness (or is it courage?), we enjoy the first of Vader’s classic Force-chokes and one of James Earl Jonesgreatest line deliveries.
Defining Characteristic: A disturbing lack of faith.

Star Wars Characters
26. Major Bren Derlin
As Seen In: ‘Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Who Is He? Just your average Alliance officer, chosen as the representative of all the faceless, nameless souls who are in the far background. Bren Derlin’s only line in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ is telling Leia that there’s nothing they can do anymore for the night, “the shield doors must be closed.” He also gets amped like no else out there after she delivers a speech. The character has become something of a silent legend among auxiliary “Star Wars” characters, because he’s portrayed by a young John Ratzenberg, who’d later go on to become a household name in TV show “Cheers.” This 1-minute video contains all his scenes in “Star Wars.”
Defining Characteristic: Has to be that Ratzenberg ‘stache.

Star Wars Secondary Characters
25. Oola
As Seen In: ‘Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi’
Who Is She? The Twi’lek dancer we meet as Jabba The Hut’s slave-girl when we first see him in his digs. Though only in a few brief scenes in the theatrical version of ‘The Return of the Jedi,’ there is something about Femi Taylor’s performance — supported by really memorable costume and make-up — that just sticks in your head, as she effectively personifies everything that is grotesque, indecent, and vile about Jabba. Forced to dance before being pulled towards doing something far grosser, Oola defies her master and becomes a quick snack for The Rancor.
Defining Characteristic: Taylor manages to express an impressive range of sadness, the kind you might associate with caged birds.

READ MORE: Watch: Compare The Changes Made To The Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy In This 1 Hour Video Series

24. Chief Jawa
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
What Are They? Averaging a meter in height, and weighing a meager 30 kilos (the level of detail in the Wookiepedia never ceases to amaze), Jawas are the pesky little hooded critters who make selling droids and scavenging Tatooine’s sand dunes into a career. They sound like Oompa Loompa’s on speed speaking in tongues (in truth, the most adorable sound in a galaxy far, far away), and play an integral part in the grand schemes of things by selling R2-D2 and C-3PO to Uncle Owen and his nephew.
Defining Characteristic: the fact that there is nothing singular that defines them. It’s the whole package: the eyes, the sound effects, the garbs, and the ‘tude.

Star Wars Characters
23. Zam Wesell
As Seen In: ‘Episode II: The Attack of the Clones’
Who Is She? The he that was actually a she; a hired assassin dispatched by Jango Fett, who fails in her attempts to kill Senator Amidala, and is pursued by Obi Wan and Anakin in that pretty breathtaking opening chase sequence of ‘Episode II.’ Portrayed by Leeanna Walsman, Zam appears only briefly, but the way she owns the role for those seconds makes Hayden Christensen look like an even bigger plank, plus the little jab at Obi Wan automatically thinking she must be a he is pretty great. The fact that she is actually a shapeshifting Clawdite bounty hunter makes her even more compelling. In fact, judging by her extensive history outside ‘Episode II,’ I’d reckon a spin-off starring Zam Wessel and Jango Fett would be more engaging than the whole of ‘Episode II.’
Defining Characteristic: Turned out to be shapeshifting in the film’s only unpredictable plot twist, but I like to think her cool, calm, and confident demeanor defines her more accurately.

22. Lorth Needa
As Seen In: ‘Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back’
Who Is He? Another poor sap working for Darth Vader and somehow failing to get the memo about his boss’ biggest pet peeves. After another Admiral fails with the snowy Battle of Hoth (more about him in a few entries…), Needa is assigned the mission of capturing The Millennium Falcon. Through a combination of terrible foresight and underestimation of Han Solo’s piloting skills, The Millennium Falcon escapes right in front of Needa’s eyes. “I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader,” he said.
Defining Characteristic: A lesser Admiral would’ve probably blamed someone else, so he’s a sport for that at least. Quite inept, though.

Star Wars Characters

21. R5-D4
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
What Is It? A droid the Jawas attempt to sell Luke and Uncle Owen on Tatooine, right around the time Luke meets the central droids of the story, C-3PO and R2-D2. Now, R5-D4 is one of those take-a-quick-pee-break-and-you’ll-miss-him characters, but the fact remains: he plays a pivotal role. Not only does he expose the Jawas for the two-bit shysters that they are, but Uncle Owen chooses him over R2-D2 at a time when the latter had a vital message of hope to deliver to anyone who knows Ben Kenobi. He might be as useless as a trashcan on wheels, but had R5 not malfunctioned when he did, who’s to say the Empire wouldn’t have won?
Defining Characteristic: A bad motivator that causes him to conveniently malfunction, thereby playing an important part in the destinies of our “Star Wars” heroes.

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