Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Got a Tip?

Update: Potter As Bilbo Baggins? More ‘Hobbit’ Rumors Surface, But Jackson Says No Announcement At ComicCon

You’ll notice we’ve avoided almost all ComicCon coverage this year so far because next week that nerd-a-thon is going to be inescapable. We figured we’d mitigate that noise as much as we possibly can. Presumably next week they’ll be a lot of nerd news and geeks chiming enthusiastic about projects that probably aren’t all that good unless you’re still deluding yourself into thinking “Watchmen” was decent (which if you are, seek professional help, soon).

Anyhow, on the eve of ComicCon rumors are starting to sprout naturally. Peter Jackson will be making his first appearance to help promote “District 9” (trailer here), and web chatter has it that he’s going to reveal some of “The Hobbit” cast and perhaps who’s playing Bilbo Baggins.

*Update*: Much like we figured these rumors are incorrect. There will be no ‘Hobbit’ casting announcement at ComicCon 2009, sorry for those that had high hopes. And all this casting stuff seems way too premature. “We’re starting to think about casting, but we’re knee-deep in the script right now,” Peter Jackson told Empire. “And when we do go to actors, they’re probably going to ask to see a script, so we’re powering ahead with getting the first draft done.”

HeroComplex is saying they heard rumors of Daniel Radcliffe (the nerdlinger in the “Harry Potter” series*) taking the Bilbo part as well as David Tennant who plays “Dr. Who” in the U.K. Uhh, none of those two look remotely like a young Ian Holm, especially Radcliffe. Not sure we believe any of this. HeroComplex is fine and all when they score interviews, but haven’t neccesarily proven themselves as any scoopsters [ed. is that a word?]. Who knows, it could be true. We’re taking it with a grain of sand and you should too.

We’re still hoping James McAvoy is on the table, cause we think he looks the part and has proven himself to be an excellent young actor (kid has talent, should hopefully earn himself an Oscar nomination one of these days). They also mention Jack Black’s name too. We can’t recall hearing that one, but for Bilbo? Not a fucking chance. Tune in next week when ComicCon nerd hysteria hits in full force (but you know tune in everyday n’ shit or our moms will think we’re fucking wasting our time n’ stuff and we’ve disappointed them enough). A reader reminds us about Michael Sheen (“Frost/Nixon”) who has also been discussed as a potential Bilbo and he’s a fine, fine choice too.

[*editors note: Never seen a “Harry Potter” film ever. Haven’t avoided them on purpose or anything, but yeah, somehow have missed that D&D for kids phenom]

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  1. Being a harry potter obsessee-I'm pretty sure Daniel Radcliffe has said he wants to go onto smaller projects. And i love him, but i don't think he has as much talent as McAvoy.

  2. District 9, yes. Sorry, got my wires crossed. Thanks for keeping me on toes. Also, i totally forgot about Sheen and added. He's probably my first choice, or tied with McAvoy, but he probably makes a bit more sense look/age wise. Bilbo probably shouldn't be that young.


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