Thursday, March 6, 2025

Got a Tip?

Posters: ‘I Love You, Man’ & ‘Crossing Over’

Despite its homoerotic title, “I Love You, Man,” is not a tale of two men in love. No it’s actually a tale of two men in friend. It stars Paul Rudd as a male-challenged pussy who’s needs a best man for his wedding to Rashida Jones. He finds a bff in slovenly and wild Jason Segel, but their budding “bromance” actually causes problems for his impending nuptials. It comes out March 20 and will premiere at SXSW where there will be panels n’ shit.

“Crossing Over” on the other hand is the Wayne Kramer-directed, Weinstein-bungled, “Crash”-like L.A. ethno drama about intersecting lives that touch upon the lives of illegal aliens. See the posters? Lanes intersecting. Colors of America (they don’t run). Get it? It stars Harrison Ford, Ashley Judd, Jim Sturgess (“Across The Universe”), Ray Liotta and Sean Penn. Oh wait, no Sean Penn, that’s right, because he hated the movie so much he asked for his small part to be excised from the film and the Weinstein’s — afraid to mess with stars they might need in the future — obliged him much to the chagrin of the director Kramer. It comes out, oh… “coming soon,” because TWC needs a few more months to pass by so audiences can forget this bad publicity and they can begin their marketing plan.

Why is Harrison Ford starring in a drama like this that doesn’t present him as the dashing hero? Presumably its because he still regrets dropping out of the Michael Douglas’ part in Steven Soderbergh’s Oscar-winning “Traffic” — a story with similarly multi-tiered and overlapping threads that is likely infinitely better than this could hope to be. As you were.

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  1. Listen, douche bag —

    I’m involved with Crossing Over and I’m tired of the snarky, uninformed responses from bloggers like yourself. You have not seen the film, you have no idea whether it’s worthy of Harrison Ford’s talents or not. But you come across as just another hate seeking missile out to torpedo any project that doesn’t meet your “cool factor.” Of course, you’ll never come on your blog and apologize if the film exceeds your limited expectations. Because of the internet, jerk-offs like yourself are getting access to behind the scenes information that poisons the perception of a film, regardless of whether the final product turns out well or not. It’s an uphill battle to get any film financed, let alone attract a cast of the caliber of this film. Sean Penn is a self-involved, hypocrite who was in the film for precisely 7 minutes. Maybe you should call him out for pocketing a million dollars for doing mediocre work and then having the gall to request he be edited out – which did everyone involved with the film a favor. Harvey Weinstein is an ass-kissing idiot who panders to big stars and stomps on filmmakers. He’s a relic and his future in this business is not too bright, at best. I hope Crossing Over does well at the box office, because it’s a very good film — even in its compromised version. It’s just too fucking bad that the only thing you can compare it to is the mediocre CRASH, because to dig deeper would be just too much effort on your part. People like you claim to love movies, but in truth you hate them. Maybe if you ever achieve a real career in film, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

  2. Wayne Kramer speaks!

    I think you have a good point, of course. I wasn’t too fond of the “guaranteed shit” angle of this story, either. But it’s hard to shy away from the pre-release stench of the film, or the silly trailer.

    Also, yeah, that’s something that vexes me- if Penn requested he be cut from the movie, shouldn’t that affect his paycheck?

  3. Also, Anon, people have been claiming the Weinsteins have no future in the business for, oh, a few decades now. When the apocalypse happens, there will be only land, cockroaches, and the Weinsteins.

  4. I don't know why all the BS around this film. I saw Traffic, babel and other lesser films. I care about illegal immigrants. Granted the individuals depicted were all in one crisis or another and over the top at that. Still the cast played it exceedingly well. The restraint shown, the treatment of their parts was executed excellently. I LOVED THE FILM. Granted it did get a bit confusing at times but as the movie continued all the parts wove together and I walked away totally satisfied if not saddened by the exercise of so many taking short cuts and finding themselves on the short end of the cut. I don't believe this is mediocre though Harrison Ford seemed stiff. I thought about it though and GEEZE GUYS ITS HIS CHARACTER, old, tired, stiff and not yet worn out, a slave to his ideals. Drop the arrogance and give the flick its dues. I enjoyed it and so did millions of others. Get past your selves


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