I feel like I’ve heard this somewhere before. In a major world capital, a grudge match between rival gangs necessitates a street-level takedown involving the kind of guys one dreads running into in dark alleys, their thermodynamically dubious cars and an inexplicably low number of pedestrian casualties. Oh yep, that’s right, that was the last five "Fast and Furious" movies.
The official plot synopsis has dropped for the sixth (seriously) episode of the burnt rubber franchise, due to screech into cinemas May 24th. And fans can rest assured that Vin Diesel et al. will be following the beloved “conflict-with-equivalent-car-racing-kingpin-leading-to-inevitable-chase-sequence-with-flagrant-disregard-for-carbon-footprint-and-in-all-likelihood-emerging-victorious-and-in-possession-of-kingpin’s-former-love-interest” formula. Read it for yourself below:
Since Dom (Diesel) and Brian's (Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpin's empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete.
Meanwhile, Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again.
Meanwhile, photos for the movie have been drip feeding for the past while, and are notably devoid of high-octane spectacle. They mostly feature a contemplative Diesel casting an appraising eye over some car or woman, and while this may be bland to use, the 38 million "Like" count on the actor’s Facebook page suggests that the Furious fanbase is undeterred. Worldwide box-office grosses have increased dramatically since its inception in 2001, with the most recent "Fast Five" taking in a staggering $630,000 around the world. And with a slot secured for a Super Bowl commercial on Sunday, the pedal remains well and truly to the metal.
Why do you sound so bitter about it? lol