It's not as if the script for "The Amazing Spider-Man" is lacking in the blockbuster quotient behind it. While "Zodiac" scribe James Vanderbilt brings a slight air of prestige in the credits, the screenplay for the upcoming reboot is also credited to Steven "Harry Potter" Kloves and Alvin "Spiderman 2 and 3" Sargent. But it seems Sony wants a bigger boom for the planned sequel, and have hired two the biggest guns around town.
Deadline reports that power duo Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have been hired to pen the sequel to "The Amazing Spider-Man." As you might remember, Vanderbilt was actually hired back last spring to pen the followup, and he has turned in his first draft, but as these kinds of projects usually go, Kurtzman and Orci will be doing a rewrite. And these guys know how to do multiplex-sized movies. The pair have penned money-earning fare like "Transformers," "Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen," "Star Trek," "Mission: Impossible III" and perhaps most infamously, "Cowboys & Aliens." But these are big money hires, and clearly, Sony is not fucking around with part two.
With a release date of May 2, 2014 already slated, Sony is looking to make sure they are ready to roll with a planned shoot for the sequel to kick off in early 2013. Marc Webb is not yet officially coming back to direct the followup, but we presume the studio will be eager to keep him on board and in the director's chair.
There goes any sense of cohesive storytelling. Seriously, these guys are the worst. They don't tell genuine stories with a 3 act structure, they just write down a series of events that are loosely connected.