Monday, March 24, 2025

Got a Tip?

Peter Berg Shares One Of The Terrible ‘Hancock’ Sequel Ideas He Had & Reveals ‘Friday Night Lights’ Movie Plot

nullThe mooted "Hancock" sequel is one of those things that crops up every now and then — usually when Will Smith or Peter Berg are out promoting something — and with "Battleship" looming on the horizon, the latter has been once again talking up the possibilities of the anti-superhero returning to the big screen. Of course, it will take a feat of scheduling to make it happen (meaning, don't hold your breath), but that hasn't stopped Berg and Smith from tossing ideas around ye olde water cooler, even if some of them sound godawful. And sharing one of those concepts with MTV, Berg inadvertently proves that the wait has its benefits.

"We've come up with like 40 different storylines. We all change our minds all the time so we're like hyperactive little kids. Like, 'Oh man, it would be cool if the Internet started a competition on how to kill Hancock'," Berg said. "That was one idea we had." Ugh. (#facepalm) That sounds like a ditched storyline from a "Law & Order" episode from one of their early internet-is-scary episodes. Frankly, as far as we know, the only online competitions people take seriously these days usually involve boobs.

More promisingly, the brewing "Friday Night Lights" movie is moving along. First revealed last summer, while the project doesn't seem yet to be formally set up, a script is nearly done by show-runner Jason Katims, and once again it will be down to scheduling, but Berg reveals where the Texas sports tale will go next.

"[Katims] has come up with a really great storyline that parallels what happened to Mike Leach, one of my heroes, a coach at Texas Tech who was unjustly fired and unjustly accused of mistreating a player with a concussion, which was proven to not have been the case. He's now at Washington State getting ready for what I think will be a great redemption story," Berg explained to MTV. "It would be critical that we get Kyle [Chandler] and Connie [Britton] [onboard for the film] — we anchored the show around them — and then bring in Riggins, Tyra, Lyla and all other characters as we could get them. But the idea is to really revolve it around the coach." 

And oh, what about Taylor Kitsch? He's not sold on the idea yet at all, though he doesn't rule it out either. "I loved the way I left Riggs," Kitsch said. "You never know. Maybe a little cameo or something. We'll see if he even wants me in it."

We guess his interest will depend on the reception of the three movies he has coming out in the next six months — "John Carter," "Battleship" and "Savages." If they don't quite all fly, Kitsch may be more compelled to return to the gridiron.

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  1. So let me get this straight, this is a movie based on a tv show that is based on a movie which is based on a book? So when this movie comes out and is presumably successful, maybe they will make a new tv show based on this movie and on and on forever.


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