Say what you will about DC Films, but at least in the ongoing rivalry with Marvel, they’re the first of the two studios to have a woman directing one of their tentpole projects (Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck will helm “Captain Marvel,” which opens in 2019). Patty Jenkins is the filmmaker behind DC’s “Wonder Woman;” however, had things gone differently she would’ve been the director of Marvel’s “Thor: The Dark World.” She was the first one to board the project, but eventually exited over “creative differences,” with Alan Taylor replacing her (and he would go on to detail the “wrenching” experience of making the movie). And with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, Jenkins is glad her gig at Marvel didn’t get off the ground.
Chatting with Uproxx, the director shares a little bit of what went down with “Thor: The Dark World,” and it essentially sounds like she couldn’t click with what they were trying to do with that sequel.
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“I don’t think I could have made a good movie out of ‘Thor 2’ because I wasn’t the right director. And I don’t think I would have been in the running for ‘Wonder Woman’ as a result. And that’s one of the reasons why I’m glad I didn’t do it. Because I could have made a great ‘Thor’ if I could have done the story that I was wanting to do. But I don’t think I was the right person to make a great ‘Thor’ out of the story they wanted to do,” Jenkins said.
“I was heartbroken. I was like, oh, what a bummer. But in retrospect it all makes sense,” she added.
Frankly, I’m not sure who could’ve made a good movie out of “Thor: The Dark World,” and certainly, Jenkins managed to avoid a major blockbuster pitfall, and wind up with what is already sounding like a supersized hit.
“Wonder Woman” opens on June 2nd.
Sure it’s got a villain problem but I think it’s a better movie than the first one in almost every way.