Sunday, September 29, 2024

Got a Tip?

Oscar Candidates Lagging So Far This Year? (*Sound Of Hand Smacking Forehead*)

Jesus christ. It’s July! Are you new to this movie game? Is this some new trend none of us have somehow failed to observ? Not according to Variety’s Timonthy Gray who seems absolutely puzzled that there are no major Oscar frontrunners outside of the one’s discussed only because there is nothing to else to talk about (Heath Ledger as the Joker, “Wall-E,”), and lord knows the media will discuss the Oscars and posit away even when there’s nothing to discuss (Do you have a deadline? Is there a gun in your mouth? Can’t you think of something else to write about?). C’mon, we really shouldn’t have to tell you how this is done. Look at last year’s Oscar Best Picture nominees “No Country for Old Men,” “Atonement,” “Juno,” “Michael Clayton, “There Will Be Blood.” Not ONE of these films was released before October and most delivered far after that. We really shouldn’t have to waste our time writing this to trade writers, sheesh. [Variety]

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  1. If the Academy can remember far enough, In Bruges should get some nominations. Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor for Brian Gleeson.


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