Released in 1988, Katsuhiro Otomo’s “Akira” is a milestone of the anime genre. Widely considered to be one of the greatest animated films of all time, the movie’s soundtrack is also critically lauded. And soon, thanks to Milan Records, the film’s fans are going to be able to own this music on vinyl.
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The label has announced that the soundtrack will be reissued. The original release of the film’s soundtrack was incredibly popular, and first editions of the record have fetched impressive sums for years, with bootlegs also floating around. And don’t worry about this new edition selling out, since Milan promises that “it won’t be [a limited release]. There’ll be enough for everybody.”
One other concern expressed by fans is what version of the music will be released in this edition. The soundtrack most commonly available is the OST, which features the music interlaced with sounds and dialogue from the film. However, this release will be the “superior” Symphonic Suite Akira, which is purely the music by Geinoh Yamashirogumi.
No release date has been revealed, but stay tuned. For now, check out the tracklist below. [FACT]
Battle Against Clow
Winds Over Neo Tokyo
Doll’s Polyphony
Exodus From the Underground Fortress