Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Olivia Wilde Added To Mix Of Contenders For ‘Alien’ Prequel, Ridley Scott Still Wants Noomi Rapace

So Ridley Scott is apparently done meeting with potential leads for his upcoming “Alien” prequel and surprise, surprise, the list of names in contention for the part is still the same as it has been for the past little while: Noomi Rapace, Carey Mulligan, Abbie Cornish and Natalie Portman.

However, it appears one more name, and a pretty obvious one, is now in the mix. Olivia Wilde, riding in a wave of advance buzz, mostly from geeks going gaga over her form-fitting getup in “Tron: Legacy,” is apparently another name being bandied about to kill some aliens. No word on what has happened to Anne Hathaway who was rumored last week. She didn’t seem like a strong choice for the part, and we’d imagine that she had a meeting and then was quietly taken off the list. No mention of Gemma Arterton either, who was an early name linked to the project. Now comes the hard part of choosing somebody and while Scott has a favorite, 20th Century Fox is expected to be “heavily involved” in the final choice.

It’s hardly a shocker that Scott wants Rapace for the part. While a role in the upcoming “Sherlock Homes 2,” an Oscar campaign underway for her work in “The Girl With Dragon Tattoo” and a fresh and eager young face in Hollywood, it seems everyone wants to work with her. But apparently Rapace’s command of English might be a problem. Looking over the candidates as a whole, it’s clear that neither the director nor the studio are too concerned with landing a big name and other than Portman, these aren’t actresses known to mainstream crowds. But that’s not really an issue, since the marketing and allure of the ‘Alien’ films have also been on the creatures not the actors.

All that said, the film was last reported to have a budget in the $160 million range (though Fox would like to bring it down a bit) so you can bet the decision is going to be a very tough one. The project has a script from “Lost” scribe Damon Lindelof who was brought on to rewrite Jon Spaihts’ draft in July, and everyone is quite pleased with the result. The film is gearing up to be a PG-13 affair which is no surprise since Fox will want to recoup their budget and make some money on this. No official production plans have been unveiled but it’s a safe bet everyone involved wants this in front of cameras soon as possible.

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  1. I have to say that there are lots of stories in the worlds libraries today. There are lots of new writers, new ideas and new filmmakers. Why are we taking a tried and true, yet tired stoy and rehashing it into a prequel? Hollywood needs to flush out the old and get some new talent in there.

  2. Noomi Rapace doesn\’t speak english very well this is a huge problem. Besides there are plenty of tried and true actresses here already.

    They should leave this alone and create something new!

  3. I think Natalie Portman did well in V for Vendetta but am not sure if this film will be a retread of that.

    Noomi Rapace has charisma and is over 30 but is practically an unknown in America. Those films have subtitles, you know.

    Olivia Wilde – I just don\’t see it. I also think Cowboys and Aliens and Tron: Legacy have to come out before she takes the next step, otherwise she is just another Sam Worthington type with too many tentpoles in development. Or another Gemma Arterton – despite being in Casino Royale, Prince of Persia, Clash of the Titans but she is by no means a name.

    Carey Mulligan seems like a 17 year old and a 55 year old at the same time – wouldn\’t be my first choice.

    Abbie Cornish – great actress but it doesn\’t seem like a great fit. Depends how she performs in Suckerpunch.

    Anne Hathaway could be good in the sense that she is such a random choice that she could perhaps surprise people. The star of Princess Diaries, Bride Wars, Love and other Drugs, The Devil Wears Prada and Valentines day in an action/horror/thriller.

    I would also consider Elizabeth Banks, Rachel Weisz or Evan Rachel Wood. There is a wide age gap between them but believability is the most important factor.

  4. Would you please stop fellating Noomi Rapace? No one outside of the tiny film blog circle gives a shit about her, and frankly, thanks to sites like this placing her in every potential female role, I\’m already tired of her despite not seeing her in anything.

    Enough already.

  5. Instead of debating which actresses should be suitable for the role; people need to start questioning why there is a need for a prequel. Sigourney Weaver was and always will be Lt. Ellen Ripley. No one can replace her and no one should. Hollywood needs to start focussing on new writers and new ideas instead of going over old ground.

  6. I would love to see Natalie Portman as Ridley Scott. She would do a wonderful job!!!! Anne Hathaway would be very interesting. Gemma Arterton could maybe do but of course that is my opinion

  7. If Fox wants to recoup their budget, going PG-13 would be an absolute disaster. The die-hard fans of the franchise (those who insist it all ended with Cameron\’s Aliens) will be very dubious, weighing Scott\’s director\’s credit against what will in all likelihood be seriously watered down studio product. Again, studios are making the basic mistake of trying to cater to teenage mallrats who know nothing of the franchise over the long-term fans that made it successful in the first place, and it will come back to bite them hard. (Anyway, why go see a PG-13-ified Alien movie in the theaters when you know that an \”unrated\” DVD is coming in a few months and you can just wait till then to see it uncensored?)

  8. I\’m surprised Alison Lohman\’s name hasn\’t been mentioned. I know Sir Ridley was fond of her in Matchstick Men, and she held her own in Drag Me to Hell.

  9. Anne Hathaway would be wonderful for this role. She showed her very gritty ,raw, and edgy side in \”Rachel Getting Married\”. And, I hear she shows her bitchy side in Love And Other Drugs.


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