Even though "Atlas Shrugged: Part 1" was lambasted by critics (it currently sits with a tepid 11% Rotten Tomatoes score, read our review), died at the box office ($4.6 million, not even half of the budget) and had the producer flip flopping on the prospect of the sequel (we'll kindly forget to mention the DVD blurb fiasco), it looks like for the 23 of you that truly care, you'll be getting "Atlas Shrugged: Part 2."
Choosing today, Ayn Rand's 107th birthday (uh, Happy Birthday?), producers John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow have revealed that the second part of the proposed trilogy is happening, with a spring shoot in the works. But that's not all. They want to turn this one around fast, and get it in theaters in October to hopefully shake up the election. That's some ambition, indeed. So who will direct this second part of this politically game changing masterpiece? None other than Duncan Scott. Wait, who? He's been hired because he edited and produced the three hour, black-and-white, Italian language Rand adapation "We The Living"…and hasn't done anything since.
We presume the cast from the first film will be back, but an announcement is expected shortly. It seems you just can't keep an Objectivist movie down. [THR]
The producers would be smart to release part 2 as the movie "they" don't want you to see. That always works. I love good dystopian movies.
"election season release" ….real event worthy! that's funny considering the 1st 'atlas' release was a "did that come out yet?" release.
Granted, the movie was awful, but I don't care. Ayn Rand's philosophy and works need to get out to as many people as possible. Even if there are only 23 of us that truly care. Happy birthday, Ayn!
"to hopefully shake up the election." LOL. Good luck with that.