Already compared to “Unforgiven,” talk of “Rambo V” has popped up here and there over the past while. It has been six years since Sylvester Stallone was back in the role of John Rambo in the appropriately titled, “Rambo,” but now he wants to finish of the series, with an arty finale.
German company Splendid Film has announced they’ve acquired the rights to “Rambo V,” which will bring the action closer to home, even though Sly himself said the series was “pretty well done” a few years back. But it seems he’ll gear up for the role one more time, in a picture that has aspirations to one of the great Coen Brothers films. That’s a pretty high bar. Here’s a translation of the announcement via ComingSoon:
With ‘Rambo V’ Sylvester Stallone returns in his iconic role. This time he goes up against a Mexican cartel. Stallone, who has also written the screenplay, describes the new Rambo as his version of ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Like the last film, ‘Rambo V’ is produced by Avi Lerner (“The Expendables 1-3”).
And those plot details mesh with what a much more excited Stallone said about a fifth entry a couple of years ago: “I’m dying to do another ‘Rambo.’ He’s in Arizona on the border. It will involve him going into Mexico. I don’t think Rambo likes Mexicans,” he said at the time. He also promised in the same interview that the character would be killed off, but then again, he’s also mentioned that the torch could be passed to someone else. Guess we’ll see. No word yet if financing is in place, who will direct or even when this might film, but it seems the wheels are slowly in motion for one more adventure with John Rambo. And are you in?