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Nick Cassavetes To Direct ‘The Other Woman’ With Cameron Diaz Rumored To Star

Cameron Diaz,Last fall, a project entitled "The Other Woman" cropped up with Cameron Diaz linked to star, and Kristin Wiig was said to be "under consideration" for the co-starring role. And then nobody heard anything about it again. But the movie has popped back up and Diaz is back in the mix, with a director now ready to take the helm.

The always unpredictable Nick Cassavetes, who tends to specialize in manipulative drama ("The Notebook," "John Q") is set to direct the movie that may reunite him with his "Your Sister's Keeper" star. Hooray? Penned by Melissa Stack — who earned Black List attention in 2007 with "I Want To F— Your Sister" — the story follows a woman who realizes she's the other woman and teams up with the philandering man's wife in order to get revenge. 

Diaz is not attached, nor is Wiig for that matter, but everything seems to be moving quick with the leads aiming to be locked up by Fox in the next week — whoever they are. Meawhile, remember that thriller "Cali" that was once going to star Kristen Stewart before she dropped out? It's on hold, in case you were wondering. Cassavetes' latest effort, the indie drama "Yellow," continues to do the festival circuit and will hit SXSW next. [Variety]

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