Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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News Report Shows More Mega Destruction Coming In ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of JusticeWhile this weekend’s "Guardians Of The Galaxy" has been widely praised for being fun, fresh and inventive, the Marvel movie can’t help but cling to the most tired trope of the contemporary blockbuster. For all of its outer space action, wacky characters and irreverent humor, the climax of the movie still puts an entire city at peril, with enormous spaceships falling from the sky and crash landing into the metropolis below. This regrettable tentpole staple occurs in Joss Whedon‘s universally beloved 2012 "The Avengers" as well as this summer’s rather less breezy "Transformers: Age Of Extinction." And "Man Of Steel" climaxed with an interminable punchfest between Superman and General Zod, finding the former, characterized for eight decades as a selfless defender of humanity, utterly indifferent to the ensuing destruction and death rained upon the citizens of Metropolis. And it looks like ‘MOS’ director Zack Snyder, the man entrusted with the future of the still developing DC Cinematic Universe, isn’t done laying waste to urban environments.

Detroit ABC-7 News sent a helicopters over the set of the currently filming "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice," capturing images of flipped cars, smashed buildings and all manner of ghastly mayhem. Obviously, we have no context for the "how" and "why" for anything taking place in the movie, but when has a film not being halfway finished ever stopped super-hero fans from speculating? Does this destruction get Bruce Wayne out of hiding and into plain sight as Batman? Is this the event that unites him with Superman to fight a common foe? 

Theorize below. ‘Batman v Superman’ arrives on May 6, 2016. [via Yahoo]

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  1. " finding the former, characterized for eight decades as a selfless defender of humanity, utterly indifferent to the ensuing destruction and death rained upon the citizens of Metropolis."
    My biggest issue with Man of Steel.

  2. I don't think Batman and Superman will unite against a common foe in this movie (maybe the next), but if they do, then this film's title is one of the phoniest of the year.


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