Saturday, March 8, 2025

Got a Tip?

New ‘Watchman’ Teaser From SpikeTV “Scream Awards”

Some new footage of the much anticipated, much talked about, hopefully not too over hyped ‘Watchmen’ film by Zack Snyder premiered at SpikeTV’s Scream Awards, if you say so, last night where it took home the award for Most Anticipated Film, naturally. Clogging up the interwebs ever since its teaser premiered earlier this year, this new footage is pretty much nothing if you consider the new clip is only 90 seconds long and a good deal of the footage used was also used in the original teaser and some of the CGI usage looks unfinished to me, but beggars cant be choosers. ‘Watchmen’ is just about the only graphical novel I have ever bothered reading, and while I immediately fell into a special kind of love with it many moons ago, I don’t remember much of it – at all. Time for a re-read perhaps.
I’ve been meaning to read the screenplay(s) I’ve had in my possession for quite some time, but seeing as the film is only released on the 6th of March next year, it is safe to say I still have time. ‘Watchmen’ has been popping up here, there and every which where in the form of test screenings and special ‘invite only’ preview sessions, where there has been talk of a possible ending change, something about squids but overall, the film is said to look more amazing than any other comic adaptation ever and the advance word is definitely positive. I’ve been rather vocal about my dislike of comic-fanboys (who hasn’t?) and I’m the first one to yawn when news breaks on various forms of comic crap but I guess I can drop the act and say I am looking forward to ‘Watchmen’ just about as much as I was looking forward to ‘The Dark Knight,’ if not more.Because the bitches of the embedding world never allow us little guys to post exactly what we want, the clip below is the entire 3 minute clip from the awards show itself and not the standalone 90 second teaser, but it is nested in there somewhere. I will embed the proper teaser as soon as I can. Other clips that popped up at the Scream Awards were the teaser trailer for “Friday the 13th” and “Twilight” footage. – From friends at Fataculture.

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