Facebook has finally unveiled the new trailer for Edgar Wright’s adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” after a somewhat tedious social networking campaign, offering its release in exchange for 100,000 Facebook fans.
The trailer kicks off on a similar note to the first teaser but then begins to delve deeper into the romantic story at the film’s core surrounding Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) and his quest to defeat the seven evil ex-boyfriends of Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) — all of whom are again featured in this trailer, none more so than Satya Bhabha’s Matthew Patel who sets Pilgrim off on his journey and Jason Schwartzman’s Gideon Graves who is, of course, the last boyfriend standing.
Scattered throughout are plenty of video game references (including flashing text and a neat little “getting a life” nod), the odd Edgar Wright-ism as well as better looks at characters not seen in the first teaser including Kieran Culkin as Wallace Wells, Ellen Wong as Knives Chau, Aubrey Plaza as Julie Powers, Alison Pill as Kim Pine and Mark Webber as Stephen Stills.
It also sounds like yet another taste of what promises to be a jam-packed soundtrack that includes the likes of Beck, Metric, Broken Social Scene and Dan “The Automator” Nakamura among many, many others. The last teaser, of course, unveiled two new songs written specifically for the film by Beck, but this one’s a little more mainstream, featuring The Ting Tings’ “Great DJ,” Blood Red Shoes’ “It’s Getting Boring By The Sea,” The Prodigy’s “Invaders Must Die” and “Black Hole” from Wright favorite Be Your Own Pet. (The latter feature in the graphic novels, and were rumored to be contributing music to one of the fictional bands within the film, although their break up two years ago seemed to scupper that one).
The film obvious looks like a crowd-pleasing, bucket load of fun but it’ll probably remain to be seen whether it’ll resonate with general audiences, particularly those who have no great affection for the graphic novel by O’Malley, for director Wright and his relatively unknown young up-and-coming cast (other than “that guy from ‘Superbad,'” Superman and the Human Torch), or for the music, which is a massive selling point, for us at least.
This trailer doesn’t exactly help either, with the concoction of hectic action scenes — exciting as it may be — coming across as a bit juvenile without the contextual romantic tale seen earlier; Pilgrim’s courtship of Flowers takes a backseat by the end and the trailer is only partially saved by the charismatic Anna Kendrick as Stacey Pilgrim. And let’s not even get started with “it’s on, like Donkey Kong.”
That said, we’re confident Wright can connect with the film which, at heart, is just a genre-infused romance tale a la his popular zom-rom-com “Shaun Of The Dead” and his action-comedy “Hot Fuzz.” “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” hits theaters August 13th.
Pretty sure I heard Blood Red Shoes' "It's Getting Boring By The Sea" song in the trailer, lol.
Mega pumped about this. 🙂
You're absolutely right, thanks.
LOVE this trailer, by the way. Really well cut, and wiped away any lingering doubts I had about the finished film. Particularly love that the drum is labelled 'Drum'.
Looks awesome, but won't be surprised if it goes riiiiiiiiiight over mainstream audiences heads. Hope not though.
Agree with TP — this has the potential to totally miss with mainstream audiences. That said, great trailer. Also, is it just me or is Kieran Culkin surprisingly funny in that trailer?
There's really nothing here to go over anyone's heads, but I understand why you'd inevitably unsheathe that one to validate liking such a retarded-looking movie.
You guys must have been read this comic by your parents when you were younger or something because I can't think of any other reason why you'd be so attached to this film. It looks retarded…like seriously.
@anon — Watch the trailer from the perspective of someone who doesn't know/doesn't care about video games or comics. We're not trying to validate anything. "Kick-Ass" failed to find an audience and it was a much "easier" sell than this. Universal still has their work cut out for them (which they have admitted themselves) to make this interesting for non-fans.
Also, the last Michael Cera movie based on a beloved teenagerish property was "Youth In Revolt" (which broadly speaking, has a similar vibe). Look at how well that did.
I actually really liked Youth in Revolt without knowing anything about it beforehand but don't really see any comparison between them based on their trailers and the fact michael Cera is in both. All I'm saying is, normal adults will not go see this movie because as you pointed out, it looks juvenile, but then it's not really for kids either, thus no audience. Now I could care less about a film finding an audience, unlike some people I guess, because the movie will exsist for your pleasure whether it makes 100 mil or 1 mil. Sure it's a shame if a good film doesn't make movie I suppose, but I don't think this will be a good film. Hopefully I'm wrong as Kick-Ass looked juvenile but then was a pretty good movie.
Always fascinating to watch the ongoing castration of young male men in film. Could it be the ssri drainage into public waters? The anger of women betrayed by the excess and degradation of Sex in The City skank propaganda, creating cold, castrating authoritarians? What sociopharmamnesiac storm could have led to the creation of mewling, repulsive, pubis-free Industry Creation Michael Cena?
This is like a Nickelodeon series with hints of tit.
Yeah, Wright is great and I like most everyone involved, performances look good…but this is some seriously retarded hipster shit. What's there to "get" about this?
Looks less hipster and more nerdy to me. This looks like a rom-com set in a Nintendo 8-bit video game. Fucking awesome. Somebody is finally trying to make something we haven't seen before. I'm on board.
Anon, how can he be castrated when it's pretty obvious he kicks the crap out of 7 dudes? Enjoy your bowl of crazy…
"Looks awesome, but won't be surprised if it goes riiiiiiiiiight over mainstream audiences heads."
Yes, this avant-garde work of art might be too bold for mainstream audiences. Are you fucking kidding me?
You know a film has something special when the freaking trailer sparks a LOT of conversation among movie fans.
I'm a fan of the comic book…but what really has me hook to go see the movie is the talent behind the camera as I love his previous work. And judging by the trailer it looks very, very promising. I'm excited.
It could be fun, but that trailer was just a complete mess.