Umm, seriously? This looks god awful. Directed by the Wachowski siblings (“The Matrix” trilogy), the film stars up and comer Emile Hirsch (“Into The Wild”) Christina Ricci, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon and Matthew Fox.
But seriously, what was Hirsch thinking? This is going to be the first blight on his near-stellar career path so far. And what’s up with the candy-coated aesthetic? Sure, the last two ‘Matrix’ films were ass, but this might be the nail in the coffin for the Wachowski’s.
Intriguing, most of the trailer music sounds like some of the soundtrack music that BT (Brian Transeau) did for The Fast and the Furious — I’d recognize those flangey bits and stutter edits anywhere.
I really like the colors in this trailer (the racetrack scenes look delicious), not so convinced of the plot yet.
i dunno what you guys are smokin, but this movie looks AMAZING! and as for the wachowskis…did you not see V for Vendetta? i know it wasn’t directed by them, but still… I hate how people are like “this movie is too campy, blah blah blah” did you not see the damn cartoon!? it looks like a perfect adaptation!
We grew up with the cartoon. It looks ridiculous.
this movie is going to go down as a cult classic, and in many ways its going to pave the way for a newer form of theatrical entertainment.
This movie looks really innovative. I think it’ll be a new style groundbreaker for the Wachowskis, and I’ll be first in line to see it.
I also grew up on the cartoon and I am going to see this movie and its about time they came out. I will be at my theater 12:30 in line waiting to see it. I hope the soundtrack is awsome to this movie. Ths movie looks cool at least they didn’t make him a nascar drivier lol and they are sticking to the cartoon 100%
WOW, sounds like someone just has a problem with our directors. the movie in fact looks awesome. thats my opinion. yours is it sucks. well you suck. that movie is going to beat out everything else this summer. they wanted to make a live action anime adaptation and i sure as hell see one in the trailer. i’ve never seen an anime based movie look so good an fluid. all the directors now a days care about is money money money. im sick of you people and your awful taste in movies, go watch another final destination you losers.
Final Destination!?! You clearly don’t know our taste at all!
I’ll shout it from the rooftops, I loved the anime and I’m *psyched* for this movie…dunno what everybody is whining about ^^!
Speed Racer is amazing everyone should go out and see it. It’s pure adereneline. And the acting is great. Very bright and colorful.
My friend saw it last night and said it was godawful. We’re hopefully going before Friday just for a laugh. It’s going to tank at the box-office. Mark our words.
I think it looks like it will me an ok movie. As far as the earlier comment of beating out everything else this summer I doubt it. After seeing the trailers I thought that the sound track would sound pretty awesome but after listening to some of it on iTunes I was let down. Just hearing the soundtrack they used has me not rushing to the movies to see this film.
This movie is hilarious, brilliantly ridiculous, massive amounts of fun, and leaves you feeling 8 years old again. The colours, the sounds, the fast moving action, and the jokes interspersed. I had a grin on my face from start to end. I would suggest people head along to this movie prepared to have fun. Take your mates, and don’t be afraid to make a party of it with some whoops and shouts.