The latest trailer for “Gladiator” “Braveheart” “Kingdom Of Heaven” Ridley Scott’s “Robin Hood” is a big, lavish, opulent, pulse pounding bore.
Russell Crowe stars as the pic’s titular legend, with Cate Blanchett as Maid Marion but my God we wish the film would get over itself. Brimming with ominous music, Vaseline lensed flashbacks and big, epic groups of people rushing at other wielding swords we feel like we’ve seen this film already about half a dozen times. We were not impressed with Scott’s last attempt at period drama, the sluggish and tepid “Kingdom Of Heaven,” and this one seems to promise more actors spouting marble mouthed dialogue at each other.
“Robin Hood” opens on May 14th and we’re just glad its not going to be in 3D.
Unfortunately, I had the same thought. Seen this before, nor did I see anything new that inspired me to see the film. And I LOVE this story. And didn't we recently see Blanchett wielding swords and being a royal soldier in Golden Age? Don't get me started on Crowe.
I don't know. I'm not going to write it off. Just hoping to see more that will make me want to see it in the theatre and not simply at home on DVD.
I see it's got the PG-13 rating. Guess they're looking to make some money.
I'm not writing it off just yet. This trailer actually was much better than the previous two and has convinced me we should at least give it a shot. The battle scenes look incredible. Russell looks decent in the role and I have no problem with seeing Cate in armor (umm, she didn't really fight in The Golden Age just made a rousing speech in armor–different entirely). She actually looks great in this, MUCH better than Sienna Miller! (much better actress too) Thank God for that recasting. Mark Strong is looking to be typecast in this playing another villianous role. Danny Strong looks excellent from the little you see of him. Don't write it off just yet, give it a breathing chance, you may just surprise yourself.
Well, once Kingdom of Heaven got its uncut release, it was awesome, so hopefully the studio hasn't butchered this one as well. Still, I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought "Gladiator II" the first time this trailer rolled around. It'll all be down to the script in the end.