So, can Will Ferrell be hilarious in Spanish? That's the big question surrounding "Casa De Mi Padre" but judging from the trailers so far, the answer seems to be yes.
Everyone's favorite funnyman stars in the film which uses Mexican soaps as a launchpad for ridiculously over the top comedy that is every bit Ferrell-esque, even if you have to read subtitles. EW has dropped a few new images from the film, giving us a closer look at the lead character Armando Alvarez, his love interest Sonia (who stars in this weekend's "Breasts Man On A Ledge") and Diego Luna, as his younger brother Raul. Missing? Gael Garcia Bernal as the baddie he'll have to face. And pay attention "Parks & Recreation" fans, that is indeed Nick Offerman, or as we like to call him, Ron Fucking Swanson.
Anyway, hang on to these for now. "Casa De Mi Padre" will hit theaters on March 16th.