Screw in your eyeballs folks. While the end of 2011 meant lots of best-of-the-year lists, 2012 ushers in "most anticipated" rundowns (including our own) and over at USA Today, they've dropped a dozen movies they've highlighted on their calendar along with a few new stills to go with them. So let's get started.
Update: Joke is on us, looks like USA today just recycled an old "Casino Royale" photo. Sorry for the error, folks! How about a new-ish 'Avengers' image up top instead.
First off, oh hey look, it's Daniel Craig once again wearing a tux and a steely gaze in the first look at "Skyfall." Not exactly the most breathtaking shot in the world, and frankly, it could be lifted out of either of the last two films and we probably couldn't tell the difference, but it's something. That said, the latest Bond pic seems to be shaking things up (not stirring them, ha!), with a new composer in Thomas Newman, some incredible behind-the-camera talent in cinematographer Roger Deakins and writer John Logan, and a top shelf cast including Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Naomie Harris and Ben Whishaw. "Skyfall" hits theaters in Europe on October 26th, with a U.S. release following on November 9th.
Ready for another trip to Middle Earth? How about two? Peter Jackson is currently in the midst of the two-parter "The Hobbit," that will assemble new faces and old, in a lengthy adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's tale. Even a not-so-hot first trailer can't deter fans who will likely enjoy this new look at Martin Freeman traipsing through the woods. "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" hits in 3D on December 14th.
Speaking of trailers, not only did Ridley Scott meet expectations for "Prometheus," he pretty much blew them away when the first teaser for the "Alien"-related movie dropped last month. A brand new still has arrived, giving us another shiny look at Noomi Rapace, who leads the new crew in outer space against…something. No one really knows the plot just yet, but given how epic this thing is looking, we're willing to be patient and surprised when the movie rolls around into theaters on June 8th.
Charlize Theron will have a busy summer in two tentpoles, the aforementioned "Prometheus" as well as the fairy tale redo "Snow White & The Huntsman." What is it about Theron playing bad that makes her even sexier? Maybe that says more about us than it does about her…anyway, she's is already an early highlight of a film that has pretty much taken everybody by surprise. She plays the goddamn beautiful evil Queen, who squares off against KStew as Snow White and Chris Hemsworth, her buff protector. Swords be swinging on June 1st.
Theron's gaze is challenging me to fuck that south african ass! i swear!
Anyone else seeing HTML code where it should't be..?
Sorry folks, that Skyfall pic is actually from Casino Royale. Oops.
"First off, oh hey look, it's Daniel Craig once again wearing tux and a steely gaze in the first look at "Skyfall." Not exactly the most breathtaking shot in the world, and frankly, it could be lifted out of the last two films and we probably couldn't tell the difference, but it's something."
Actually it IS lifted from Casino Royale, so it's nothing.
It's not earth-shatteringly original or anything, but goddamn does that photo make me excited for the next Bond film. Bond, in a tux, surrounded by hard alcohol, with a steely expression. What more could you want? Perhaps a sexy woman on his arm. But that photo is a perfect distillation of what so many of us find awesome about this great character. FUCK YEAH, BOND!
Isn't that just a still from Casino Royale from the scene where he orders the Vesper at the bar?