Thursday, March 6, 2025

Got a Tip?

New Nike Ad: Bringing You A Fincher Fix

While waiting for “The Social Network” to get rolling, David Fincher’s been keeping busy going back to his old trade: directing TV ads. This spot for Nike Pro Combat features Vikings running back Adrian Peterson as a half-man/half-pigskin gladiator in a snowy, black and white clash of man-flesh. Produced by Anonymous Content for the Wieden + Kennedy Agency, this minute and a half clip might not be enough to tide you over, but at least it’s something. Don’t say we never gave you anything.

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  1. Who needs UnderArmour when you have Nike skin!
    The commercial looked pretty cool though. Maybe because of your last few posts about Valhala Rising and Severed Ways, but I was kind of expecting Peterson (Minnesota Vikings) in the snow to start chopping wood or hunting and gathering.

  2. Also on the topic of film directors directing commercials, here's one Michael Mann did for Mercedes (with Benicio del Toro in it).

    BMW also had a series of 8 (I think) 8 min long short films starring Clive Owen called "The Hire: _____" that had Wong Kar Wai, Tony Scott, Alejandre Gonzalez Innaritu, Guy Ritchie, plus writing by Andrew Kevin "Seven" Walker. Plus starring roles of Clive Owen, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Forrest Whitaker, Madonna, and more. They're worth checking out for what they're worth.

    Anyone know some good ones out there? The foreign ones with Pitt and Clooney can be pretty funny.


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