While we’ve made it pretty clear that “X-Men: First Class” is the best looking comic book film of the summer, we’ll definitely give “Captain America: The First Avenger” a firm second place (sorry “Green Lantern” and “Thor,” you both look too dorky to place). The Super Bowl teaser was a surprising amount of fun and while we await a full length trailer — pretty lame “descriptions” have been floating around if that wets your dock — we have a new peek at the villain.
EW has unveiled a fresh look (see it in full below) at Red Skull who was glanced and screen captured in the the aforementioned teaser. This writer still believes he looks like a red-faced version of the dude Jim Carrey played in “The Mask.” But that’s not Jim Carrey, that’s Hugo Weaving, and if anyone has playing big budget villains memorably it’s him.
One of the big concerns with Marvel movies — and which has proved to be a distraction in some cases rather than an embellishment — is the referencing to other characters and films in the movie universe created by the comic behemoth. This time around, director Joe Johnston says that with the period setting it was less of a concern saying, “Because this was a period film, because this was the origin story, I didn’t have to worry about the Avengers which was a present day story. We have present-day bookends and bring Cap back at the end and then I basically hand him off. And ‘The Avengers‘ is its own thing.”
And the film’s biggest asset thus far is Chris Evans, who in the brief footage we’ve seen is bringing all the charm and confidence he’s displayed in previous roles to ‘Captain America’ in full force. And for Johnson, it seems the actor’s skill combined with the fact that he can still heat up a burrito at 7-11 without getting spotted (yet) played a part in landing him the gig. “The character is bigger than any actor. I always saw it as an advantage that Chris Evans wasn’t a household name. When you pick someone not so well known, he’s not bringing a lot of baggage to the role. I cast him in what I seen him do in other projects. He brought a whole other layer to what was on the page, and it’s been great watching him become that character,” Johnston said.
So far, so good, but that first trailer is going to have a lot of expectation riding on it. Starring Evans, Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones, Dominic Cooper, Hayley Atwell, Sebastian Stan and Stanley Tucci, “Captain America: The First Avenger” will wave its flag on July 22, 2011.
This movie looks awesome. Love Cap, love the Avengers. Has the Brubaker Winter Soldier feel.
I don\’t think many parents want to buy toys with swastikas on them.
The plot synopsis has said that Hydra is some sort of cutting edge Nazi unit run by the Red Skull while the animated \”Avengers: Earth\’s Mightiest Heroes\” has replaced Nazis with Hydra all together.
He looks like an angry, red Michael Jackson. Like the costume design, though.
When will your Supporting Acting predictions come out?
I think this looks great!
I have a geek question though. Why do you think his wearing the Hydra logo instead of the Nazi Swastika? More kid friendly?