How do you erase the memory of two shitty, shitty posters? Get another still from the movie out there.
Following the recent release the latest godawful one-sheets for “X-Men: First Class,” 20th Century Fox is looking to put out the fire — so to speak — by distracting fans with a new still from the movie on Facebook. The pic is of Lucas Till as Havok, the plasma-blasting mutant, standing in a hallway of fire probably created by his own hands. Not exactly the most Earth-shattering image, but at least it’s not yet another shot of January Jones‘ cleavage, which seems to be front and center in most of the pics so far.
“X-Men: First Class” is racing toward the finish line with Matthew Vaughn likely locked away in an editing bay somewhere sweating it out. The film hits on June 3rd.
What\’s wrong with pics of January Jones?
holy crap is this movie going to be terrible.