After getting the new “Now You See Me” trailer two days ago, a boatload of new images from Louis Letterier’s magician thriller have arrived (or should I say they have magically appeared?). And they look awesome, with flames coming out of Morgan Freeman’s forehead, Dave Franco performing an intense card trick, and a graffiti-ed stage set. I repeat – FLAMES coming out of Morgan Freeman’s forehead!!
“Now You See Me” is about a criminal magic act and the forces brought in to stop them. “The Four Horsemen,” a high-powered magician quartet act (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco), have been stealing millions and millions of dollars (including some belonging to Michael Caine’s bank) and giving the proceeds to their audiences. A FBI special agent (Mark Ruffalo) and Interpol detective (Melanie Laurent) want to stop these Robin–Hood–meets–Oprah–acts, and they turn to a magic debunking expert (Morgan Freeman) to unravel “the trick” behind the crime. Sounds like “The Prestige” meets “Ocean’s 12.” We hope it leans more towards the former.
This looks like it could be epic, with a stellar cast and the promise of amazing effects, and it’s certainly one we hope is saving its big reveals for the theater. Check out the latest photos below. “Now You See Me” pulls a coin from your ear on May 31st.