“The Void,” a mysterious new horror movie taking the internet by storm, has received a delightfully bloody teaser. The jam-packed trailer flaunts a blend of gory practical effects with tones of cerebral science-fiction. Check out the extremely NSFW trailer, but just make sure your boss isn’t standing over your shoulder.
Art department masters Steven Kostanski and Jeremy Gillespie whose work includes “Suicide Squad,” the “Hannibal” TV show and the upcoming “It” movie, take on the writing-directing duties here. The pair told Empire Magazine that they’re “committed to introducing audiences to a unique horror-mythology” and are eager to “combine the aesthetic attitude of modern horror cinema as it emerged in the 1970s with the splatter and sophisticated practical special effects that ruled the creature features of the 1980s and early ’90s.” Here’s the official synopsis:
Encountering a blood-soaked man on a dark deserted road, a police officer rushes the victim to the local hospital. Soon the staff and patients are trapped by a terrifying, otherworldly threat and forced on a hellish voyage into the depths of the building to escape the nightmare. Shocking, haunting and boasting mind-blowing practical special effects, The Void is a new must-see horror event, starring Ellen Wong (Scott Pilgrim vs the World), Kathleen Munroe (Alphas), Aaron Poole (Forsaken) and Kenneth Welsh (The Aviator) and Daniel Fathers. Written and directed by Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski and from the Executive Producer of The Witch.
The gruesome trailer isn’t short on high praise, with comparisons to John Carpenter already being made. “The Void” opens in the U.K. on March 31st. No word yet on a U.S. date.