Some people just can't handle Halloween! Deeep. A teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college, Paramount's "Fun Size" actually focuses first on Halloween night. Wren gets stuck babysitting her little brother on Halloween, the same evening when the hottest guy in school is throwing a party. Omg!
Things turn "Adventures In Babysitting"-esque when Wren loses her little brother and sets out to find him, while her mom (Chelsea Handler) is out partying. Directed by Josh Schwartz (the creator of "The O.C." and an original co-writer of "X-Men: First Class" before his draft got deep-sixed), "Fun Size" also co-stars Jane Levy, Johnny Knoxville, Thomas Mann and Kerri Kenney. One assumes "Fun Size" isn't aimed at us, but as a low-key Paramount picture that's not been heavily promoted and has no stars outside of Justice, Handler and rising "Suburgatory" star Levy, we're wondering if this film is going to connect with anyone. Will the Nickelodeon audience follow Justice all the way? Or hey, maybe it's the next "Project X" for tweens. We'll see when "Fun Size" hits theaters on October 26th.
That's not what begging the question means. Begging the question means avoiding the question. Your headline should read:
New Clip & Photos From 'Fun Size' Raises The Question: Will Audiences Come Out For A Movie Starring Victoria Justice & Jane Levy?
Thank you.