Saturday, March 1, 2025

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New ‘Alice In Wonderland’ Trailer Is Basically The Same

A new trailer – featuring most of the same footage it seems – of Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland,” in 3D of course, debuted at the 2009 Scream awards on SpikeTV last night. The film stars Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Micheal Sheen, Crispin Glover, Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, and we’re still pretty much not that interested, but some of you might be (Maybe? Actually curious to hear what you have to say for once).

Personally, Tim Burton stopped being a director worthy of interest years ago. He essentially has just become a parody of what a “Tim Burton” film is supposed to be: Gothy, but mild, goofy safe-Gothy that Disney and major studios can easily market to mainstream audiences and still turn a profit on (“Ed Wood” in 1994 is still that last, must-see Burton film). The one hope for this film potentially being marginally interesting is Mia Wasikowska who is one of our favorite young, new actresses. Otherwise we’ll wait until we get a chance to see it in probably, late February. The film comes out March 5, 2010.

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  1. I was once a huge Burton fan. I even like Big Fish a lot, and think Batman Returns is a brilliant film (I get a lot of fishy looks for both of those).

    That said, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was so excerable and Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd so barely there at all that I have little to no hope left for any future projects. This trailer doesn't do anything to change my mind. Awful CG, too.

  2. I would really love to be able to watch a trailer for a Tim Burton film and not be able to recognise it instantly as a Tim Burton film. And as much as I hate to say it, Mr Depp is becoming a parody of himself. It started with Pirates 2 & 3 (and possibly 4)and now continues. But there are really only so many good scripts for 'oddball' characters. Another Finding Neverland please.

  3. Agree with Jason, Big Fish is highly underrated and easily one of Burton's best. Best of all, it was entirely out of his comfort zone. Also really enjoyed Sweeney Todd, but that was in his wheelhouse. I really wish he wouldn't be so lazy and stop remaking things and branding them with the "Tim Burton" slant because those two movies I mentioned prove he's still a worthwhile filmmaker, he's just (I assume) a lazy one as well.

  4. You guys wrote "(Burton) has just become a parody of what a "Tim Burton" film is supposed to be: Gothy, but mild, goofy safe-Gothy that Disney and major studios can easily market to mainstream audiences and still turn a profit on"

    The exact thing Sweeney Todd is, right?

    youu guys do great informing, but should at least think twice before publishing such opinions


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