If Marvel was hurting for a minute publicly following the news they had lost “Spider-Man” to a financial turf war with Sony, they’re feeling really damn confident tonight in Anaheim at the D23 Expo. The “Ms. Marvel” show, announced a few hours ago in the trades was confirmed by the studio onstage tonight. What’s more, is Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has confirmed that Ms. Marvel will eventually join the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the big screen. Presumably, the show will be a launching pad for the character and then she’ll graduate to the big screen.
READ MORE: Marvel Studios Developing ‘Ms. Marvel’ TV Series For Disney+
Details aren’t out yet, but Ms. Marvel is surely part of Disney’s Phase 5 plan that likely begins sometime in 2021. Disney recently revealed five new series for Phase 4 at San Diego Comic-Con, but clearly, their plans to make Disney+ a big monster and competitor to Netflix are just getting started. Netflix isn’t going anywhere, obviously, buy considering all the monster announcements this weekend, they should be treated Disney+ a serious contender.
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Marvel’s first Muslim superhero, Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel is a Pakistani-American teenager living with a strict family dealing with the struggles of everyday adolescents.
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Kamala becomes a hero when she’s infected by the Terrigen Mists and gains the ability to stretch and reshape her body any which way she wants. She can shrink, grow, stretch, or whatever she needs to do in a given situation. She takes the name Ms. Marvel as inspiration from her idol Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel.
No word on when the series hits D+ and it’s probably a few years away at this point, but Marvel has decided to throw down the gauntlet and show that web-slinger or otherwise, they will not be deterred.
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